@Sabres de Buffalo

Sujet d’après-match : Sabres de Buffalo vs Ducks d’Anaheim – 23 janvier 2024

2023020737 BUF perd, 2 – 4 .

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  1. HilmDave

    Well shoot guys that didn’t go the way we wanted it to but hey way to go on that effort at the end there, eh? Awesome job all around, robbing them of that shutout. Not the Buffalo Sabres. You’re not gassing this crowd up at OUR expense. You guys showed em. Didn’t go our way on the scoreboard but I saw some real compete out there. You’re improving every day, chipping away, growing into the hockey players you know you can be. Stick taps for progress huh? How about it? Alright now who’s up for some dairy queen, Matty Ellis told me between periods there’s one right. down. the. block. Who’s comin!?

  2. Icommentoncrap

    So I just stayed up until 12:38 to watch the Sabres give up an early goal, go down 2-0 early, give up a first career point, them play like shit, fall all over the place, not help 6k all night, and then lose 4-2 with our only offense with 5 minutes left where we scored 2

    Same time tomorrow?

  3. time2fly2124

    did someone tell them the only important part of the game is the last 4 minutes?

  4. GuybrushThreepwood94

    I genuinely don’t understand how this team regressed this hard. They start games half asleep and don’t wake up until the game is already over. No life and no emotion. They look fucking horrible.

  5. barffolemeow

    Fuck it im staying up late tomorrow night too. At least I’m sailing the high seas so they aren’t getting my viewership, they’re just getting my heart and stomping on it

  6. m0neytr335

    Granato better not have this job in the morning

  7. oldsole26

    These dipshits fully deserved to get shut out tonight

  8. deGrominator2019

    Nice of them to show some fucking effort, to bad they waited until 5 minutes were left and they were down 3-0

  9. ebimbib

    This team can say as many times as they want to that Donny hasn’t lost the room, but they have no fight in them at all. It’s fucking embarrassing the way they start pretty much every game. Special teams are consistently awful. Fuck this.

  10. billsmafia5366


    Legitimately nothing more soul crushing than having a glimmer of playoff hope and expectations this season for the first time since I was in middle school only to plummet back down to the basement of the league yet again. I just want some type of payoff for ever believing this is going to get turned around.

  11. HilmDave

    I can’t fucking wait to hear Brian Koziol’s post game coverage lmao. He’s so sick of this season and it’s just so fun to hear some honest commentary on this team.

  12. AddictionsExWives

    At one point Adams needs to publicly acknowledge this isn’t working and outline steps to success. Dude loves getting in front of the camera when it’s the most minor “win” for the franchise. He’s been really quiet this year.

  13. Specific-Ball-5778

    I don’t understand how this is the same team that beat Vegas a month ago

  14. JoeSchmohawk93

    So many red flags this season that this organization doesn’t give a flying fuck about getting better.

  15. helikoopter

    I’ve said it repeatedly this season, no moral victories! Who cares that they gave some effort when the Ducks had already packed it in for the night. Even that *positive* stretch was still incredibly poorly managed and full of costly mistakes.

    Let’s also remember that they were playing a team that has won 3 times in the last month.

    A coaching change is long overdue. But what is needed even more is a significant roster shake-up. Some guys are here to stay (i.e., Skinner, Dahlin, Cozens, etc), but there are guys that need to be moved on from. The trades might hurt, and they might be a « loss », but there is a serious problem with this roster.

  16. Green_hippo17

    Really glad I got drunk and watched the exorcist with friends then this shit

  17. dreamtime19

    I want them to hire Berube SO badly. I think he’s absolutely perfect and what we need right now.

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