@Oilers d'Edmonton

Quelle est la qualité des Oilers d’Edmonton? | SDP

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde et Jesse Blake discutent de la séquence de 12 victoires consécutives des Oilers d’Edmonton et expliquent comment ils pensent y parvenir. Pour les demandes de renseignements générales, envoyez un courriel : info@sdpn.ca Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. That Luke scene on The Last Jedi is actually beautiful, poetic, encapsulates the character perfectly and expands on the Mythology of Stat Wars

  2. 2-9-1 was the point the Oilers decided Woody was done. they are now 25-15-1 they are 22 & 6 with Knobs As far as players we want. IMO C. Perry, S. Monahan, MAF would be who I'm looking at. Would love C. Tanev from Calgary, but they won't wanna play nice with us. More Oilers content from Spin please. Steve just be an Oilers fan, common you know you wanna.

  3. Connor McDavid is NOT shooting lights out. He's probably still injured because his shooting is way down from last year. Same thing with the PP. It's way down from last year, likely because Connor is both not shooting like he did and not as mobile. As McDavid gets healthier, this club will hit the stratosphere.

  4. Canucks fan here. I've been waiting for just one team to throw a wrench into their plans but no go. It pains me to say this but the key to their victories here has been goaltending. Skinner is looking like he is finding his groove which for me is like the worst news ever.

  5. The Leaf's need to have that mindset of "we lose a few we are out of the playoffs, we win a few we could be looking at home ice advantage." Like the Leaf's just don't have that winning mentality to play hard every game and not lose no matter what, and IDK how we get this team thinking in the way of winning.

  6. 6:54 "How do you nitpick a team that's won 12 straight?" THANK YOU! As an Oilers fan, a lot of people in the fanbase drive me nuts sometimes.

  7. haha they said stuart skinner needs a break from getting 40 shots on goal… yet the oilers average 29 shots against them a game which is like 3rd best in the league

  8. Can you guys do a weekly (at least), pod on the oilers? Some of the oilers content is great….but some of the long term and newer oilers media is downright toxic.

  9. I was watching the game and thought Haxtall was coack K. I was like damn that fit is looking nice. Then i realized im retarded

  10. Let's not put the cart before the horse. I love the Oilers, but their own zone play is always suspect and often their goalies cannot stop a beachball. One or two injuries can quickly change a team dynamic as well. Its a long season.

  11. What you guys aren't talking about is PDO regression. The oilers were outplaying opponents at the beginning of the season too and getting incredibly unlucky. They're just getting back to normalcy now. Same reason the Canucks will fail later, they are riding an insanely hot PDO. It all balances out over the long run

  12. They've won a few games 2-1 on this streak also, so it's not even always about getting a lot of points. It isn't even all McDrai anymore, we're finally getting depth scoring and winning games where 29/97 don't even get a point.

  13. "Oilers D will never be outerworldly" as they've exclusively been outerworldly in addition to their goaltending and offense.

    Edm since Nov 24th: based on xG rate

    xGF: ★★★★★ (1st)
    xGA: ★★★★★ (2nd)
    PP: ★★★★★ (1st)
    PK: ★★★★★ (2nd)
    Sv%: ★★★★★ (2nd)
    Sh%: ★★★★☆ (6th)

    SF: ★★★★★ (1st)
    SA: ★★★★★ (3rd)

    R±: ★★★★★ (1st)
    Q±: ★★★★★ (1st)
    Sv±: ★★★★☆ (6th)
    Sh±: ★☆ (26th)
    G±: ★★★★★ (1st)

  14. Oilers fans are quite accustomed to their team being streaky. Unfortunately, that means we’re always prepared (and half expect) that just as easily as we’ll win 13,14,15 games, we can turn right around and lose 4,5,6 or more in a row. It’s infuriating. It was def like that with Woody at the helm. Hopefully Knoblauch gets rid of that bad habit.

  15. No offense boys, but this entire clip sounds like you aren't very familiar with the Oilers season. They are dominant with a bullet in xGF and xGA. They are dominant in terms of CF/CA, and are playing a significantly stronger defensive system compared to last year's team. Every metric and the eye test both support the Oilers. They are still a sub 1.00 PDO team as well

  16. Right now they are healthy and playing well. It will be interesting to see if they carry this past the all star break. Most teams that get to the playoffs end somewhere around 66-68% win point rate.. It will be interesting to see what happens when the inevitable injuries happen. They always do… Look at Vegas. Their expected starting D-Fense has played exactly 1 game together as a unit. Their team as expected has played exactly ZERO games together. We shall see how this all shakes out.

  17. I think Chicago Bull's coach Phil Jackson made that passing&shoot system. Former Bulls players and later becoming coaches moving to LA Lakers&Golden State Warriors implemented that same system.

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