@Flyers de Philadelphie

Le service de police de London a annoncé qu’il tiendra une conférence de presse le 5 février pour faire le point sur les allégations d’agression sexuelle au Mondial junior 2018.

Le service de police de London a annoncé qu’il tiendra une conférence de presse le 5 février pour faire le point sur les allégations d’agression sexuelle au Mondial junior 2018.



  1. So that’s probably the deadline these guys have to surrender themselves 

  2. zach2thefuture

    Ugh, that’s such a long wait for some answers. 😐

  3. Narrow_Book_42069

    tHeReS nO sMoKe dOnT spEcuLate!!

    Thanks for the Reddit cares reports y’all.

  4. FillyFan777

    You know if the police are being closed lipped about their investigation like i’m sure they have to be then it could be just NHL teams/ players all just assuming potentially the worst and preparing. I hope Hart was not involved but this definitely doesn’t look good. Not sure how Canada does things compared to US.

    I assume nothing. I hope for the best.

  5. MembraneintheInzane

    I hate to make assumptions but 4 NHL players and one player in Switzerland have all had sudden  » idenfinite leaves of absence » with no other details being given AND all 5 are associated with the 2018 Canadian Junior World team that is the focus of this investigation.

    If there isn’t a fire here with all this smoke, I’d be shocked. 

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