@Flyers de Philadelphie

1/23 PHI contre TBL Après-match : John Tortorella

L’entraîneur-chef des Flyers, John Tortorella, s’adresse aux médias après la défaite de 6-3 contre le Lightning.


  1. Stop with the 7 D crap.. You scratch Bobby Brink and they starts losing idk seems like a coaching error to me.

  2. I find it hilarious when the boys loose a few games and everyone calls them trash. They’re not gonna win every game but they’re still gonna win some and if they keep playing like they have been , you’ll see them make playoffs

  3. I dont think Carter Hart, Bobby Brink, and Noah Cates will be with this org much longer.

    Tortorella is going 100% tyranny..

    The plan is to turn the roster over continuously.

  4. Team running out of gas.

    Talent level not even close to good enough to compete for a cup.

    Remember the re-build???

    I do. Let’s get back to that plan instead of ruining the draft order by playing journeymen for 18 minutes a night.

    Not a playoff team.

  5. Hard to believe this is the same team that dismantled the Dallas Stars last week.
    Night and day with this team.
    I know I know it's still in a rebuild.
    But man, that Dallas game was so well played and then poof, Tippett goes down, Hart is having problems, still got a shot at the playoffs, but man, you just can't go down 3-0 to a team like the Lightning.
    Dumb penalties did them in tonight

  6. When your playing against the team with the number one PP and I'm pretty sure they know that before the game YOU CAN NOT TAKE STUPID PENALTIES ESPECIALLY IF YOUR A VETERAN THAT COST US THE GAME COME ON GUYS THINK!!!!

  7. People are frustrated with how streaky the team is. I do agree however that people need to be patient. They are a young, yet promising team that is heading in the right direction.

  8. Boys had a tough lineup these past few games even if the engine was running at peak efficiency. Shrug it off and on to the next one

  9. We're streaky but somehow this year I have confidence in the team. 5-on-5 Tampa wasn't better.

  10. This team plays their asses off nearly every single game! The major flaw I see is nobody sets screens in front of the net!!! You can't beat top NHL goaltenders when they see every shot! Oh and also they don't shoot nearly enough on power play. Way too many passes. Set screens, shoot the puck on net…pick up the loose change. That formula will get ya at least a goal a game.

  11. John why can’t the flyers ever have a guy like Kucherov? Nathan Macinnon. Matthew’s some teams are stacked by the way I want a splashy trade for somebody just under a Macinnon, Matthew’s, Mcdavid, Kucherov. They are god tier .. I want a savage on the Flyers immediately

  12. These last three games have been frustrating (especially Sunday's loss to Ottawa), but ups and downs are all part of an NHL season. I trust Torts can right the ship and get to winning consistently. And let's not forget that this team wasn't picked to do anything this season.

  13. it's tight divisions in the east tbh. Tampa and Washington are near the bottom eight in the wildcard standings, imagine that you're still slightly ahead so.

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