@Canucks de Vancouver

[Paterson] Tocchet se dit surpris de voir que ses commentaires sur Pettersson hier soir ont été décrits comme « un entraîneur fustige un joueur vedette ». Il a dit qu’il avait répondu honnêtement à quelques questions, qu’il ne voulait pas, mais qu’il devait peut-être être prudent avec les réponses maintenant.

[Paterson] Tocchet se dit surpris de voir que ses commentaires sur Pettersson hier soir ont été décrits comme « un entraîneur fustige un joueur vedette ». Il a dit qu’il avait répondu honnêtement à quelques questions, qu’il ne voulait pas, mais qu’il devait peut-être être prudent avec les réponses maintenant.



  1. con5id3rati0n

    I sure hope Rick doesn’t change the way he communicates with the media. The best thing about his pressers is how well he’s able to constructively criticize a player or the team and get his point across in an educational way, which is the exact opposite of just putting a star player on blast.

  2. NorthernMariner

    Portrayed by whom?

    He gave honest, constructive (and accurate) answers like he always does…

  3. Judge24601

    I very much hope Rick doesn’t change how he answers questions, it’s been one of my favourite aspects of him as a coach. Pure honesty is so refreshing in this market

  4. sopademacacadelicia

    Vancouver sports media continues to be a shithole

  5. NinCross

    Anyone really think he put Petey on blast with his comments last night?

    The answer is a resounding ‘no.’

    Fuckin’ Vancouver media sometimes.

  6. SpectreFire

    coAch BlAsT mEDiA aND fANs wIth FIeRY reSponSE

  7. UncommonHouseSpider

    Yeah Tocchet! Stick it to our lousy journalists looking for click bait. Tired of the negative slant to the media here.

  8. Only-Nature7410

    Rick has been so good. Love his commentary.

    The second he puts a little pressure on a player everyone freaks out. Both media and fans are guilty too.

    This coach is demanding accountability from all players. The players know it too. Everyone else. Not so much

  9. CrayonOlympics

    It’s not just the media, I saw so many people on Twitter that were weirdly super defensive about the comments and portraying Tocchet as like bullying Pettersson somehow. Which is absolute horseshit, just because he’s your fave or whatever doesn’t mean he’s free from criticism in any form. I don’t think Tocchet was particularly harsh in his comments nor do I think he was being cruel. Moreover, Pettersson is a professional and he should be able to take criticism like an adult. God damn can the fans of this team be so fucking sensitive sometimes. I do generally think that some elements the media also fans those flames like I believe one of the talk shows had their poll question today about Tocchet comments and whether they were « appropriate ». But I really feel like good portions of this fanbase need to also take a step back and breathe and figure out why they feel such a little brother complex about absolutely everything. This team has an incredibly passionate fanbase online for better and for worse.

    I hope this doesn’t change how Tocchet interacts with the media at large because he’s such an excellent communicator. He’s probably the only coach that this team has ever had that I will watch every pre and post game or practice interview with because he gives such thoughtful and insightful answers.

  10. dachshundie

    Damned if you do, damned if you don’t with Vancouver media.

    Critical of star player: « coach blasts EP40 »

    Not critical of star player: « coach has no balls and refuses to hold players accountable »

  11. JerbearCuddles

    I don’t give a sh*t how he communicates with the media, we all hate the media anyway. As long as he message is received by the players and the product remains strong, that’s all that matters. Our media is a cesspool, chasing drama. Like everything on the internet these days. Called Petey’s play out, Petey agreed, we all agree. Nothing really to see. Just gotta get better and move on.

  12. smoover93

    Petey isn’t above any one else when it comes to criticism Tocchet hands out. His game last night wasn’t his best but he’s a “star player” which comes with the expectation that he performs like one night after night ( obviously absolute perfection is unattainable ) but too the fans criticize Rick because he’s got x amount of points in last 4 games and blah blah. Tocchet has been quite clear that regardless of point production, if you’re not playing to the system and making the right plays, you’re gonna hear about it. Sometimes fans are way too emotional about players “feelings” they’re professional athletes. Pete’s already shown to be a bit of a diva so maybe he’ll finally get some tough skin

  13. Rupturedfetus

    And this is why everyone eventually results to given carbon copy soulless answers. Thanks media.

  14. n0thingisperfect

    This is why we can’t have nice things

  15. Horvat53

    There’s no winning. You get an honest person and the media rakes them for it. You get a guarded person and the media rakes them for being so secretive. It’s short term clickbait that leads to long term damage. Media can have an honest relationship with these people, but ruin it by doing this sensationalist takes on stuff.

  16. crap4you

    It took him less than a year to figure out what Vancouver media is like. 

  17. TimsAFK

    Holding your star players to a higher standard and criticizing them when they’re not good =/= blasting a player. People are cooked.

  18. IamPriapus

    Disappointing, but not surprising. The media is a business and they’re there to get clicks. Tocchet gives honest responses and it’s clear, based on how the players respond, that they are entirely fine with transparency and are willing to work towards the common goal. No surprise the media ruins everything it touches–bunch of wankers.

  19. I actually love post game coverage because of this… He’s very open and gives good insight into the team and how he thinks. I think it’s important.

  20. CJK_420

    I’ve thought for awhile now that he shows his cards too often when it comes to interviews. Makes it too easy for teams to know how we are trying to play. Its been great as a fan though to get the insight, but wondering if the strategy talk shouldn’t be explained publicly..

  21. Spookedchicken

    So I pay a lot of attention to this stuff, probably too much, and I haven’t seen anything editorialized the way Tocchet is describing by the professional media. Has anyone else?

    The only stuff I’ve seen that are playing up any drama are the doofuses on twitter that pay for the check mark and pretend to be insiders but are no different than us shitposting on reddit. Then there’s the amateur youtubers that use clickbait headlines and thumbnails. I just googled ‘Tocchet Pettersson’ and everything is titled pretty tamely from the pro articles I can see.

    As much as people love to hate on ‘the media’ and they deserve it from time to time it would be so shitty if the one coach we’ve had in a while that is really thorough and open with his answers starts to fall back on cliches. All because someone told him that some jackoffs on twitter had a field day.

  22. mars_titties

    I hope Tocchet doesn’t change how he’s communicating because most fans knew exactly what he meant: Petey needs to play better than he has the last few games, no more no less.

  23. TsarPladimirVutin

    That was such a click bait headline. Far from scathing on Rick’s part just honest.

  24. TotesMagotes29

    God damn this is sad to hear. Such bullshit. It was an extremely fair assessment of one of his players? What idiot in the media is saying he is blasting his star player? Fuck ‘outta here.

  25. kaboomatomic

    Classic media trying to make click bait out of an already overloaded fan base is backwards. It’s night and day when you watch or listen to, say, Boston media. They’re supportive in an almost sociopathic way where their team can do no wrong and they get clicks like crazy.

  26. No Tocc please keep it real.    
    Fricking bad faith media click whores.      
    Gives our good media clowns a bad rap 🙁

  27. cbcguy84

    I really like Tocchet’s press conferences. I really hope he doesn’t change too much. His criticism of Petey, as much as I love Petey, is valid.

  28. sokah12

    So really the only issue here is the dumbass media lol got it.

  29. Plane-Buyer

    Wish Tocchet could give the sensationalist media a (un)healthy scratch lol

  30. theEMPTYlife

    Vancouver media and eventually chasing people out of the city, name a more famous duo💀

  31. Sad_Opinion_874

    Some people like to get hurt feelings by proxy… Like the media.

  32. rabes81

    Not sure if its the media reporting it that way, but if it is, fuck them. Historically Vancouver media is garbage, always stirring the shit pot looking for controversy that doesn’t exist. Headline should have read, Coach gives honest answer. Its not even a headline, Petey confirmed the same feeling about his play.

  33. newbootgoofin615

    So disappointed with how this fan base took to last nights loss.

  34. Apprehensive-Tea4881

    Don’t change Tocc! Media gonna Media

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