@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Vers la moitié de la saison, je pense qu’il est prudent de dire qu’Hedman n’a PAS perdu un pas.

Vers la moitié de la saison, je pense qu’il est prudent de dire qu’Hedman n’a PAS perdu un pas.



  1. imawesome_103

    He definitely has but he is still very good

  2. His defensive numbers continue to be the worrisome part. You’re looking at his offensive number, but defensive advanced analytics he isn’t even close to where he once was

  3. BiscuitsMay

    Hedmans point total will stay good because of our pp. He is absolutely slowing down. Looks better the last 20 games or so, but still can’t skate like he used to.

  4. Adam_Friedland_TAFS

    They didn’t create a “Stamkos & Hedman Era” section to the team’s wiki page for nothin’

  5. Bigstakes7287

    Unfortunately, this is not true. He has lost a couple of steps but still a solid fantastic player and leader. He was just that much better than the rest when he was in his prime.

  6. anwright1371

    He finally had time to rest that hip that’s been bugging him for 5 years. He started slow but the past couple months Heddy has been solid. Not the same shutdown defenseman he once was but still one of the best in the league no doubt.

  7. TrustDanger

    I think he’s gotten his jockstrap taken this year more than all his other seasons combined

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