@Flames de Calgary

Avant-match | Huska – 25.01.24

Entraîneur face aux Jackets, statut de Kylington et plus


  1. Like maybe let us hear the first question so we know who huska is talking about???????????? could be dhuer or kylington…

  2. Reporters, stop asking questions about a player suffering from mental health issues. Its insensitive, and puts even more pressure on the poor guy. Please, dont ask about status updates for players going through that kind of a struggle – the last thing they need at that point is to be under the spotlight. This is the coaches interview before a big game, and half the questions are about Oliver or Dylan… how about asking why a 10 million a year cap hit like Huberdeau got totally out skated on a breakaway and didnt get a shot oft? Much more concerned about his readiness to play than Kylington.

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