@Islanders de New York

Les Canadiens tiennent une minute de silence pour le légendaire insulaire Mike Bossy

Regardez les Canadiens de Montréal et les partisans à l’intérieur de l’arène observer une minute de silence en l’honneur du légendaire joueur des Islanders de New York, Mike Bossy.


  1. The Canadiens also continued that moment of silence throughout the game and did not bother scoring

  2. Weird that the Islanders are playing the Canadiens in the first game since Bossy's death. Montreal being Bossy's home and The Islanders being the team he played for

  3. Thank you Montreal Canadians and fans. This season may be one to forget, but your organization is a jewel. Thank you for acknowledging a fellow Montrealer and HOF'er.

  4. Ovechkin would be chasing Mike Bossy's record and not Gretzky's if it wouldn't be for his injuries. Trottier had to tie his skates for him because he couldn't even bend down. What a player and human being! R.I.P. Mike Bossy.

  5. Without question, the greatest pure goal scorer the game has ever seen in an era when goons like the Philadelphia Flyers were allowed to get away with dirty play. May Mike Bossy RIP!

  6. Regardless of jersey color hockey family embraces hockey family, and Montréal as a city doesn't forget one of its own

  7. Amazing player but unfortunately for him he was having his greatest years at the same time as Gretzky. He would’ve had much notoriety and fame had he played for the Canadiens but he wouldn’t been driven insane by the Montreal press at the same time.

  8. canadiens fans wanted mike bossy to die earlier so they can get more of 4 diaporama of him… they said habs org didnt do enough.

  9. As a long time New York Islander fan my thanks to the Montreal Canadiens organization for this respectful and wonderful tribute.

  10. A big part of my teenage years growing up in the late 70's and 80's on long island. He was a fantastic player and a gentleman. RIP

  11. even habs passed on bossy in '77 draft. none the less class move by habs organization to honour an all time great. 50 in 50, 574 goals in just 10 seasons. 9 straight 50 goals seasons. the man could just score. Sad right now and to think how many goals #22 would have had with a full 20+ year career if the wonky back didn't end his career way too early. To put it in perspective ovi would be chasing bossy as well right now. bossy said he just aimed for the drest on the goalie's chest when shooting. Pat lafontaine said bossy could flip the puck on its side and put it thru the five hole thus his success there. rip mr. bossy.

  12. A Universal hockey good guy. I can't think of anyone in or around the game that doesn't like him. True legend of the game for all of the right reasons. RIP Boss…

  13. Am I the only one who noticed the coincidence of his passing the day his hometown team played against the team he played for?

  14. As an Islander fan since their inception Mike Bossy was my favorite player, a true magician on the ice. His passing so young hit me hard as well as Clark Gilles (a line mate on the LILCO line along with Bryan Trottier) and Jean Potvin an early Islander and team mate . I want to commend the Canadians for honoring Mike. It was a classy move by a legendary organization.

  15. i saw him play in the juniors in laval where i was sitting behind the adverse goalie hes coming down the ice a wrist shot in a little opening over the right shoulder and the pipes and he scores and saying to myself how the hell did he do that scratching my head and saying this kid should be in the n h l ha ha ha and later on he did play in the n h l god bless him hes up there now in hockey heaven still scoring amen

  16. The Heaven's League must need legends and snipers. Bossy and The Flower fulfill both at the same time.

  17. This about as classy as it gets.
    Hockey will always be the classiest of sports, and the best game you can name.
    RIP to a great man & the greatest goal scorer in NHL history

  18. Он очень хотел играть в Монреале, но его выбрали Айлендерс!
    А ведь он франко-канадец, и его звали в детстве – МИШЕЛЬ БОССИ!!!
    А уж в Айлендерс, он стал Майком

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