Justin Di Narzo, un jeune partisan du Tricolore qui lutte contre le cancer, a eu la chance de rencontrer son ami Cole Caufield hier soir par l’intermédiaire de la Fondation Fais-Un-Vœu.
Justin Di Narzo, un jeune partisan du Tricolore qui lutte contre le cancer, a eu la chance de rencontrer son ami Cole Caufield hier soir par l’intermédiaire de la Fondation Fais-Un-Vœu.
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Our little bundle of joy just can’t help spreading it.
That Billion dollar smile kills.
Fuck cancer.
Glad they could get a win and Caufield a goal for the guy.
Fuck cancer, Go Justin
With all the “ other stuff” dominating the hockey news it’s things like this that keep me a fan of many of these young men, for every NHL scumbag there’s a Cole and a Nick and yes even an off ice Marchant.
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Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2jMINctEfx/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Carey Price met him last year as well.
Our little bundle of joy just can’t help spreading it.
That Billion dollar smile kills.
Fuck cancer.
Glad they could get a win and Caufield a goal for the guy.
Fuck cancer, Go Justin
With all the “ other stuff” dominating the hockey news it’s things like this that keep me a fan of many of these young men, for every NHL scumbag there’s a Cole and a Nick and yes even an off ice Marchant.
Well done fellas