@Panthers de la Floride

Sujet d’après-match : Panthers de la Floride contre Penguins de Pittsburgh – 26 janvier 2024

2023020756 FLA gagne, 3 – 2 SO.

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  1. EnjoiDank

    Haven’t wanted to win a game so bad this season.

  2. the_sylince

    Another 5v9 win.

    Get fucked, good win

  3. Margin4Error

    That was our 4th or 5th 9v5 win but definitely the MOST satisfying so far this season…fuck that entire arena.

    And I’ll keep saying it….8 BILLION people in the world and these are the best we can find to officiate NHL games? Holy fuck and a half.

    Get fucked NHL.

  4. KatelynC110100

    Refs tried so hard lol, not happening! Played great defense tonight and Bob showed up!

  5. kazmirone

    god, what a satisfying win against the refs tonight

  6. lovexlikewar

    Yall I was quite literally on the edge of my seat for the shootout.

  7. bluesf44

    I can’t remember a less deserving loser point. Get fucked refs and pens

  8. bigred1476

    Well the refs once again tried their damnest to sway the game

  9. bigred1476

    Bob was stellar again in net tonight!

  10. airbag23

    Imagine paying karlsson 11 mil a year for 7 goals

    Great GM ya got over there buddies

  11. Vitiate1367

    After what has been happening with the Heat these past few games it’s nice to see the panthers continue to rack up wins

  12. CasperCann

    Panthers win is a great win. On that note. Stay out of the penguins subs. Be Winners. Not sore winners.

  13. MadIrishMan17

    My joke last week:

    « **taps tinfoil hat**

    League has an office wager going on if they can goad PoMo into another $25k fine. Been baiting him for the last 4 games. »

    After tonight:


  14. Ashamed-Dirt5101

    Have to say that it’s good to see that they are always willing to throw down for their teammates. And also trusting themselves to still win even with all the penalties as a result. It’s a special, passionate team. Gotta love them

  15. crazyabootmycollies

    I only caught OT & shootout. What did the zebras do this time? I’m assuming Malkin got away with some bullshit and Pittsburg fans just “lol angry Geno is crazy lol” as usual while we got called for breathing too hard on a Pittsburgh diver?

  16. Thajewbear

    That was one of the most frustrating yet entertaining games I’ve seen in a while. Felt like a playoff game, wow.

  17. Imaginary-Scheme-203

    The Panthers played a great 5 v 4 game. Just amazing, team vibing again. Hope Barky is OK because he is a beast and impresses me immensely every game

  18. McSweetSauce

    That game was such BS bro. Every time I look up Pitt’s on a power play

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