@Flames de Calgary

Il y a toujours l’année prochaine

Il y a toujours l’année prochaine



  1. letseeum

    Racecar backwards is racecar. Racecar sideways is how Paul Walker died.

    Chuck Norris trained in the Sahara forest.

    A man comes home after a hard day at work during a blizzard on a cold winter night. He says to his wife « Honey, get your hat and put your coat on » she says « Oh! Are you taking me out for dinner? » He says « No, I’m going out to the pub and I’m turning the heat off while I’m gone »

  2. Longjumping-Limit827

    Next year next decade next century whatever man I’ll wait get that Elon brain chip if I have to

  3. primetimereim

    I still believe (not in this 2023-24 team, but that one day we will make it back to the WCF)

  4. hey-there-yall

    Haha. The problem is I’ve been saying this for 15 years. Stuck in mediocrity.

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