@Canucks de Vancouver

Leafs vs Canucks Game 44 (WILD GAME !!!) (20 janvier 2024)

Les Leafs s’en sortent horriblement, reviennent de 3-0, cèdent 2 buts en avantage numérique au 3ème et perdent 6-4 face aux Canucks de Vancouver !!! Ensuite, les garçons se dirigent vers Seattle pour affronter le Kraken demain soir, devant trouver un moyen d’obtenir 2 points !!! Suivez la page Tik Tok !! https://www.tiktok.com/@t.osportstalk Découvrez le NOUVEAU chat Discord !! https://discord.gg/KcnFGCZN7Q Suivez-moi sur Twitter ! https://twitter.com/_TOSportsTalk Suivez-moi sur Instagram ! https://www.instagram.com/t.osportstalk/ Montrez-moi un peu d’amour et appuyez sur ces boutons J’aime et Abonnez-vous ! 🙂


  1. Man the Toronto sports scene is horrendous!!!! I stopped watching the Leafs at the start of the pandemic but I check in every once in a while and I see nothings changed.

  2. Just fire keffe also the boys cameback and could not win also Willy styles finally scored and then we shit the bed we need a new coach teams that have new coaches are playing well change is always good

  3. 6 goals 21 shots. Yes, one conclusion is not good on Jones. Other is that the leafs allowed high quality chances on poor defense. All the goals I saw were bad on coverage except the 1st. The 6th goal was such a joke. A guy is so open in front of the net and the leafs aren't even bothering to cover. Can't allow high quality chances against Vancouver. Someone else said it below. I would replace Brodie with Lagesson before Giordano which will never happen as Keefe is not enforcing accountability based on defensive play. The leafs are capable of good stretches against really good teams but their man on man coverage in their own end completely destroys their momentum every time.

  4. Babs did the same thing. Tinkered with the lines too much.

    You know how teams like Boston, Vegas, Tampa, and Colorado, hell Florida last year got so good. They built a team out of what they had, fixing here or there overtime. They let lines gel together despite losing streaks. They got better for it.

    The problem with the leafs is the lines never gel, other than Nylander, Marner, Matthews, and Tavares, because they are together 80% of the time. The rest are treated like plugs in a leaky dam. There is no time to gel, and there is no time to grow on this team.

    Everyone one is bashing Burtuzzi and Domi. They will walk in the off-season as Leafs won't be able to afford them. They will produce like they did in the past on their new teams. Why? They will be properly utilized and allowed time to gel with their lines. But not here in Toronto.

    This constant blender has prevented this team from building a system and proper team identity.

    Every opponent knows in the playoffs that when you shut down the big 4, the test can't do shit. Hence why this team has done shit in the last 8 years of playoffs other then beating a team with a hurt goalie. If Vasy played like 2 years ago leafs would have lost in 5. No way in hell would they come back like they did in game 3, 4, and 5.

  5. I am embarrassed. I am embarrassed that they are charging an arm and a leg for All star tickets.I am embarrassed that they are celebrating the 1967 champions for no apparent reason next week in an effort to rub it into the fan base again. I am embarrassed that the team has left Sheldon in the dust. I am embarrassed to be a leaf fan now. EMBARRASSING.

  6. The Islanders just fired head coach Lane Lambert and replaced him with the aggressive Patrick Roy! They will now likely make the playoffs.

    The Leafs have sunk into fourth place with the Red Wings just one point behind.

    Unless GM Brad “Stand Pat” Treliving does something drastic, they’re not going to make the playoffs.

    Time to finally trade local
    boy Mitch Marner possibly to the Senators for defensemen Thomas Chabot and Jakob Chychrun and hope the returning goalie Joseph Woll will be better between the pipes.

  7. Yeah we definitely get more excited for the Leafs games than others. A Leafs n Canucks final would be the most hype finals in decades

  8. Uhm, it's amazing you can comment on any true aspect of this game when you didn't watch the game. Vancouvers lunch-bucket guys carried the team until the superstars did their job on the PP.

  9. How is it that you Loved the atmosphere but non the less you shut off your tv set??? ……Leafs are not making the playoffs this year, period.

  10. As a lifelong Toronto Maple Leafs fan, my usual blind faith in the team has been shattered by the consistent disappointment over the past 35 years. Despite their talk of excellence, the empirical data from recent games, especially the one against Vancouver, reveals a team that is simply not good enough. It's time for a radical change – I advocate for a complete rebuild, retaining only Auston Matthews and surrounding him with competent players. The accountability falls not only on the players but extends to the coach, general manager, and president; a fresh start is needed to the team's approach for sustained success. In order to revive the true spirit of Maple Leafs hockey, a comprehensive reevaluation and restructuring are imperative, heralding a new era that prioritizes excellence over mere rhetoric.

  11. Keefe, Trevling and Shanahan.. and lastly the fools who pay for tickets for this entitled organization that does not care about their fans.

  12. Stop with the jones shit , start with where it starts , management. Then paid to much for only a few players. No defence. Bottom 6 not that great. Players they grabbed in the summer not great, how about good!!!. Then when you talk about all that then we can talk about goal .

  13. Shanny doesn't deserve to hire another coach if Keefe goes. 10 years and 1 playoff win isn't good enough, especially since there's still a chance they miss the playoffs entirely this year.

  14. What the hell kind of fan… also on you tube, turns the game off if their team is losing???
    Then try and explain the game.

  15. No coaching change can help the Leafs. Not even hiring Don Cherry!😀The bright side is Leaf records – the Leafs are the first team in history of the NHL to ever have four $11 Million forwards. How can they possibly do that?

  16. . Hate to say this but. Unfortunately Toronto just dosent look like a stanley cup Contender.. if anything Edmonton. Winnipeg and Vancouver have more chances of Contending for the cup than Toronto sadly..😔and coming from a leafs fan myself

  17. I’m a Canucks and Jays fan I’m happy Canucks are doing really well this season I can’t wait for the Jays season to start I always check your Jays videos to see what you have to say about Guerrero hopefully he will try play hard every game!!

  18. Nothing makes me happier than the Canucks beating the Leafs!😂 You kidding me…it’s in Vancouver and half the crowd are Leafs fans and because the Leafs are in town the game has to start at 4pm.

  19. Give all goalies a break when playing Vancouver. We do it to everyone. Everytime. 10 shots 4 goals then we sit back is our go to.

  20. It was NOT an entertaining game, not for Leaf fans. I would have said that five years ago but these are peak window years. I watch games to gauge how the boys will look in the playoffs and they look BAD. Mediocre goaltending, sub par defence. Another first round exit but we'll all be expected to forget that and celebrate Mathews' Rocket Richard. Pay no attention to the Shan behind the curtain.

  21. Knies is all hype 40 games into the season like I said he’s a 3rd line player not the hype u guys saying he’s a 1-2 line player 💩💩💩lol.

  22. Toronto blue jays fan here from Vancouver….hard to say I hate leafs as I love the jays… but go Canucks go

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