@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Est-ce que quelqu’un sait si je peux me garer dans la zone délimitée en rouge ? Je ne veux pas payer pour me garer mais je ne veux surtout pas me faire remorquer. Merci!

Est-ce que quelqu’un sait si je peux me garer dans la zone délimitée en rouge ? Je ne veux pas payer pour me garer mais je ne veux surtout pas me faire remorquer. Merci!



  1. JonTheWizard

    No. The State Fairgrounds put signs and chains up to keep people from parking there during Canes games.

  2. FatAssOrangeRhino

    I know it sucks, but just prepay parking and it’s $25 instead of $40. The space you highlighted is the Fairgrounds Lot, and my understanding is that don’t allow parking there this season, so you run the risk of getting towed.

  3. Cpt_phudge_off

    Park by Brus and take the walk in the tunnel

  4. OttawaSen07

    Alternatively, which free parking spot would be best for tailgating? That’s my plan as I have a few friends along. Also I just realized what my name still is. I’ve joined the good side since I named this account haha.

  5. Ijustmadethisnow1988

    Yea no bueno on the state fairgrounds. I have parked all over. Try Beryl street if construction is done or not. If not do edwards mill or near cardinal gibbons area

  6. Caniac_Nation

    I used to park there free a few years ago. Was awesome. Then the Canes got greedy and decided to forbid people from parking there.

  7. whereami2day

    1201 Edwards Mill Road (next to Bojangles) has parking for $10.

  8. Hispanhick

    I park behind the Bojangles now. Some private school kids took over the lots and asking for 10 dollars for a « fundraiser »

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