@Maple Leafs de Toronto


Qui aurait pensé cela en participant à ce match ?



  1. WintersbaneGDX


  2. WintersbaneGDX

    Imagine showing this picture to someone from 5 days ago

  3. wrinkledpenny

    I haven’t been happy with him but tonight he played like the guy we need him to be.

  4. Reggae4Triceratops

    2024 versions of Reaves and Samsonov 👀

  5. Silent-Obligation-49

    Reaves was awesome tonight we need that energy every night from him.

  6. PinCautious1536

    So that means Reavo is in next game, cant be giving the belt away in a suit.

  7. NefCanuck

    That photo with the belt makes me think of that old WW(F)E tag team “Power & Glory” 😂

  8. MyHeroaCanada

    We needed a win and big games from Sammy, Reaves and JT so a great night

  9. Falconflyer75

    Really happy for Reeves and JT both really needed this win

    also question is there a list of belt winners anywhere? I tried to google it and came up short

  10. twizzyflyguy

    Reavo at the end of the 3rd getting in ehlers face and then at the scrum at the end just grinning while roughing up dudes cracked me up

  11. twizzyflyguy

    I actually liked how reaves played today, from what I saw he didn’t turn over the puck and was able to get it to a line mate when being pressured

  12. MotherTalzin

    Fun fact. It’s a common misconception the crowd chants “Go Leafs Go” at games when in reality we’re mishearing “Go Rea-Vo”

  13. kstacey

    I mean, yes you shouldnt get complacent, so in its absence it will motivate you.

  14. Saltwaterborn

    We love No-Knees Reaves in this house

  15. Grand-Amoeba1832

    Actually a gritty win. Sammy deserved the belt too, or Matthews for the milestone. Credit to the Leafs for working with Sammy. I counted him out.

  16. JonJonFTW

    Honestly, good for Reavo man. He talks to the media and says he wants to play. Then he plays great when he gets back in the lineup. I still think on balance the roster is better without him but credit where credit is due. He was valuable tonight.

  17. CardboardFanaddict

    The Leafs are such a Roller Coaster 🫠🫠🫠

  18. ShinyVuIpix

    Made a thread a few days ago pondering weather or not Reaves should get into one of the Winnipeg games and people were pretty appalled at even having the discussion LOL.

  19. seriousdishwasher

    It’s times like this Tavares wishes he knew how to make a fist.

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