@Rangers de New York

Brendan Gallagher, pénalité de match contre Adam Pelech

Saison 2023 – 2024 Islanders de New York vs Canadiens de Montréal 25/01/2024 Ceci est ma deuxième chaîne qui se concentrera uniquement sur le contenu de la LNH. Ma chaîne principale est ici. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd9r-o0geG0gHvboKrSxdfw


  1. As Jack Edwards would say, that is Cheap, that is intentional, that is outside the rules of the game, and that is delicious video for the boys in New York.

    No place in the game at all for that. That is one of the dirtiest hits I have seen in a while.

  2. Gallagher should get five games just for the “what did I do” gesture. Plus at least ten for the blatant attempt to injure.

  3. He had to do something as he knows he is a finished hockey player. Nobody wants him knowing his best years are gone .

  4. Hes been a hazard his whole career. Habs have wasted time and money on him for too long imo

  5. he got five games off for this bullshit of a hit. thank you nhl for not letting this one slide.

  6. How stupid do you have to be to pull something like this when you’re up 2 goals with 8 minutes left in the 3rd? Shame that the Islanders still lost in the end but it was much closer than it needed to be.

  7. Wooowww, I did not expect that out of Gallagher. Maybe I don't watch him enough to know he plays like that sometimes but damn that was dirty as fk!

  8. Parros needs to keep his F—ing eyes on the Florida Goons? A few of their dirty, cheap shot artist players, should have been suspended by now? Favorites George? Treat every player and team equal!

  9. Intent to injure. $100,000 fine plus 50 games. Sort this league out or it will never stop. Hockey could be a better game.

  10. Was it a bad hit, yes. Deserve a suspension, yes. But I have seen a lot worst with no suspension or penalty. Just a fine. No consistency with this crap with whoever doles out punishment in the bullshit NHL. Hope Pelech is ok.

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