@Maple Leafs de Toronto

LFR17 – Match 47 – Reavodemption – Maple Leafs 4, Jets 2

Steve Dangle récapitule et analyse le match 47 de la saison des Maple Leafs de Toronto contre les Jets de Winnipeg – sdpn All-Star Takeover at The Rec Room Day 1 : https://www.showclix.com/event/sdpn-day-1 – sdpn All -Star Takeover at The Rec Room Day 2 : https://www.showclix.com/event/sdpn-day-2 – Obtenez des billets pour la All-Star Party organisée chez Isabelle avec le podcast Steve Dangle https://www. eventbrite.ca/e/all-star-party-x-isabelles-hosted-by-the-steve-dangle-podcast-tickets-803116582317?aff=oddtdtcreator&fbclid=PAAaZE72_tCOmYwyoGtYZoNVLEU-ZwaQGmTfo2u33zRUamBTeXS4Y1Tfy0m-4_aem_ATN3z Vi2LArjtsaqGDzJJ5oTpdTTpjRpmQk4Lc2_0AQfuoVZmUh2HA4bsdxUzWVy4i4 SDPN : https://www.sdpn .ca/ ANNONCER AVEC NOUS! https://sdpn.ca/sales/ SDPN DISCORD : https://discord.com/invite/MtTmw9rrz7 LIVRE : https://bit.ly/2I9hmWP LIVRE AUDIO : https://bit.ly/2GIgYya phoques de PÂQUES : https https://t.co/DVbMNTS1IL


  1. I have an idea for a challenge. If you were to challenge for any reason, if you loose the challenge you only loose your timeout (only have 2 in game) but if you win you get to keep your timeout. This then means coaches can only get challenges wrong twice to not abuse it but also not be penalized.

  2. Back in the day, I could have smashed the shit out of my beige coloured computer monitor 3748 times playing NHL 99, for every goal that I had called back.

  3. Should there had been a penalty called on the defenceman who crosschecked Nylander into the crease?

  4. Brodie went down easy, but that slash isn’t up for debate.

    Ref watched the whole sequence unfold.

    You can’t just lean on your stick and snap it like that.

  5. Steven A Smith is hardly the benchmark for most American sports fans. He's an ESPN clown who nobody with any sense pays attention to, so when he says he knows the puck is "black" it should be taken with the grain of salt it is due. Believe it or not, there are many of us in the USA that grew up on NHL Hockey and could rival Canadians with it's history, background, and knowledge of the game. ESPN is not exactly a Hockey hot bed, and they have had a "on again, off again" relationship with ESPN over the years because of money. The NHL is, and always has been, more interested in revenue than growing the game, as proof of their relationship with ESPN (who isn't worth listening to on the subject of the NHL). I find the Sports Interaction commercials even more offensive and short sited by making such generalizations about all Americans. I guess that if Americans are gauged optically on Hockey by ESPN viewing and a sports book that thinks we know nothing about the game, this view must be true 🙁

  6. The goal doesn't count because it was a coaches challenge and its been called out that Keefe has won all his challenges so they will not give him any challenge wins for a while 😂

  7. The refs also knew Nylander didnt go into the crease on his own power because the original call from them was "accidental goaltender interference" which isn't a thing????

  8. Gary Betman…. I laugh at you everyday. Way to keep the money in america. I'm ashamed you actually don't understand the sport. You were too busy underwater basket weaving,

  9. People say "Don't worry about the call the Leafs won anyway" I am pretty sure people bet on the spread in the game. If I lost money on that call I would be calling my Lawyer.

  10. that Reaves goal, was ALL Reaves from center ice.
    He created that nasty turnover, and then parked himself out front of the net and got the nasty tip.
    He had a game tonight. He was possessing the puck like a big player along the boards, he was making good plays, he was in the right position when he needed to be, he was a presence out there, and he was great.
    At the end of the game, Reavo was just looking for ANYONE to grab ahold of, he wasnt going to be the guy with nobody just because the other 2 are smaller than him

  11. As a huge Wings fan, whose team is battling yours for a playoff spot, I really wanted to see Winnipeg take this one. But even I agree the Leafs, and Bertuzzi in particular, got jobbed on that interference call. Once that happened, I was happy to see the Leafs take the Jets down.

  12. Thank you Leafs…for only letting WPG get 1 pt in Toronto a few days ago,& for beating them in regulation today in WPG. You put my Avs in 1st place before we dont play again for like 10 days or something. Even had WPG won tonight-wed be tied in pts for 1st-but not really tied-as they have 2 games in hand.

    Long ways to go & we are in a total dogfight not just with the Jets-but also Dallas in the Central. But every point matters,& much better to be in 1st all alone with such a long break coming up. I know you guys badly needed those 4 pts-& to see Samsanov have 2 quality performances vs a good team. But we appreciate the help…as Im sure producer Drew would echo my thanks,& appreciation.❤

  13. The only thing I can say about the refs call is the ending of the rule is probably what caused the refs to say its a no goal.

    Yeah you can't interfere with the goalie. If a defending player shoves the attacking player the goal should count.

    It's the ending of the rule that is ambiguous and is probably what the refs are leaning on.

    It said if a player is shoved into the goalie by the goalies own team, then the goal will count' provided they immediately try and get out of the crease. Nylander got shoved, but after he got shoved it seemed like his skate pushed hellebucks pad into then net. He also seemed to lean on hellebuck while getting out of the crease

  14. Steve is absolutely right about if the Winnipeg Jets were facing a team like Florida in that situation where Reeves grabs the Jets player. If it had been Florida, Matthew Kuchuk would’ve tackled the player into the net and sat on top of them beating him into a pulp. I know this because I watched Tkchuk do just that to an Avs player live in Denver!

  15. Controversial calls happen in all sports. I don't want explanations from the league or the refs. I want fans to debate and yell at each other. That's more fun. Educating viewers. Hilarious. It's sports. Competition and BS calls add to the mystery and love of sports.

  16. Now three wins in a row, including back to back against the Jets. Good way to head into the beeak.

  17. I've had harsh words for Reaves in the past and I know I will again in the future but no one can deny he played well tonight

  18. The rule book for goals etc. is based on misinterpretation to protect the ref's decision so as not to embaress them and or their bad calls and or incompetance .

  19. i only saw the highlights and not the full game: why was willy given the 1st star of the game? was he that good (he had 0 points) or did they want to mess with him?

  20. 5-2 win I don’t see it any other way lol 😂 when I heard “accidental goalie interference” I was like doesn’t that mean it’s a goal lmao 🤣

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