@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Cela devient un problème MASSIF

#hockey #nhl #torontomapleleafs #winnipegjets #austonmatthews #connormcdavid La LNH a un sérieux problème avec l’interférence des gardiens de but, comme nous l’avons vu d’innombrables fois cette saison. Surtout lors du match d’hier soir entre les Maple Leafs de Toronto et les Jets de Winnipeg.


  1. Ok I am going to not state my fave teams and sometimes I watch games as being a ref and seeing if what I see is called so what I saw was WN outside blue getting xchecked into Helly then trying to get out of the way BUT due to penalty infraction by Winnipeg player I would have already been raising my arm but TML had control, a split moment later a goal scored. Call on Ice a goal, discuss with other Ref what he saw and video review if need be, and call two mins xcheck- Winnipeg and no goal unless in NHL rule book that become the penalty for xchecking player into your goalie then GOAL and no 2 minutes I agree with Eck. But Eck….I also see way to many calls that go against a number of teams and for certain teams ( is it sports betting, is it Bettman, who is behind the officiating and many of the player safety calls) I know I will get blasted but it’s my opinion

  2. It’s been well known that football is the easiest sport to fix, however, hockey seems to be catching up.

  3. Feel that as a Canucks fan samething happened to us, a blues played crosschecked a canuck into the demko and it got called back, then the same thing happened in OT where Petey gor crosschecked into Damko but it didint get called back, you never know.

  4. This game was the worst game I’ve seen the Jets play and it sucks because the Toronto media as well as their fans will think that the Jets are a bad team which is not the case at all., missing, Mark Scheifele has ruined the offence, they need more depth Come trade deadline at center. And please for the love of God can we get a proper power-play coach because the one we have absolutely atrocious there’s no reason for why the Jets should have this bad of a power-play with all that talent on their team.

  5. I personally don't think the goalie "regained his composure". He was clearly behind the play and was merely reacting late to the puck movement. That being said, it still wasn't interference.

  6. Ontario has allowed sports betting and NHL calls affecting the outcome of the game have increased. Coincidence? I think not.

  7. Show the “goaltender interference” from the Flyers game yesterday. I know they were in a losing tilt but I think it was an absurd call. Goalies have too much power.

  8. Definitely start using pushing guys into the goalie as a defensive play. Refs have set the precident,

  9. 2022-23 Mcdavid: im about to do something that hasnt been done in 30 years.

    2023-24 Mathews: Hold my hockey tape.

  10. leafs fan here so my comment will obviously be regarded as bs by many, but this horrendous call aside, our league-fewest calls (~2.5/game) with one of the most potent forward groups is, in itself, questionable at best. if the league ever wants to be taken as seriously as the big three – lets look at this type of thing objectively.

  11. Never seen fans from across the entire league so united as with this week.

    Pretty much everyone agreed about the dirty Montreal hit and then everyone agreed this was a terrible call. Not a great week for officiating but at least it's bringing people together, right?

  12. shrugs been a problem for years, watched on more than one occasion when Tampa was in the playoffs and point is on a rush gets cross checked from behind crashes into the goalie and they call interference on Tampa. I cant tell if the refs are that bad or they have a script to follow to try and influence games.

  13. Gotta be sports betting or Bettman trying to control the outcome of the league. This is getting really ridiculous, especially during the playoffs.

  14. He bumped into him before the cross check. Both jets vs Toronto games had calls go in favour of Toronto that were questionable at best.

  15. I was hoping for the Jets and yes even I think that call was ludicrous. I don't know what the refs saw, I love watched it a dozen times, he gets crosschecked into the goalie twice and did everything to not interfere. Also, yes to your question, if I wad a defender I would push the opposing player into the goalie everytime.

  16. This was absolutely NOT interference with the goalie! But, hey, they still won. But it was a bad call nonetheless.

  17. this is a rare time I disagree with ya eck. when the forward wins inside positioning the dman just has to give up? some contact is always going to happen, I would say trying to get that real estate right on top of the goalie should be a risk. high risk high reward chance. goalies have too little protection

  18. why are you deleting comments mentioning the oilers? i thought you didnt hate them? even worse when youre using one of their players names to drive traffic to your biased hockey channel.

  19. if calls this dumb are being made then are we gonna talk about the other end of the spectrum? aka the extreme lack of calls that should have been made in the Bruins Canes game on wednesday

    I know the bruins played like shit in the 1st and 2nd, but so many calls were not made in the 3rd. the worst part is that there was one play where the refs could have called Hooking, Holding, and Boarding on the canes, and none of it was called. Then less than 2 mins later, when Boston should have had the man advantage, the canes scored the game winning goal. we shouldn't have refs be the biggest deciding factor in a game

  20. I was literally saying the same thing after watching this! They need to fix these calls. It happens way too often lately

  21. @Eck Thinking of covering the weird penalty call made against the Canucks last night? Refs missed an elbowing call against Tyler Myers. Called a 5 minute major for Ian Cole for boarding or something. Reviewed the call, didn't penalize Ian Cole, and instead decided to give Tyler Myers a 5 min Major for elbowing. This was with 8 minutes left in the third in a 4-4 tie. Absolutely crazy for the refs to assess another penalty that they missed while reviewing a different call. Absolutely ludacris.

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