@Blues de Saint-Louis

Sujet d’après-match : Kings de Los Angeles contre St Louis Blues – 28 janvier 2024

2023020773 STL gagne, 3 – 4 OT.

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  1. HooHooJames


  2. Carpet_Tree


  3. IceKing827

    That’s fucking hockey right there. None of that pansy ass, dick-tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the ice, men deliver their newborn baby on the bench. Fucking hardcore dick in the ass butterball fuck it chuck it gametime shit. Blues hockey is back, baby!

  4. Groundedge

    Holy fucking shit this team has some fucking balls give them a tug and call me steven

  5. ACR5150

    *furiously deletes old comments about Schenn*

  6. ThatguyfromBaltimore

    At least one of my teams didn’t shit the bed today…

  7. Defenestrator__

    lmao Schenn what has gotten into you my man?

  8. Pantsman1084

    3 Stars of the Game:

    ⭐ – Kyrou

    ⭐⭐ – Schenner

    ⭐⭐⭐ – Hofer

    This game was a really close game that didn’t feel like it should have been, but a win is a win and this one was number 5 in a row!

  9. Well whoever called Schenn bar down from Saad. You were kinda right. Schenn top shelf from Buch is pretty close

  10. BluesBrother57

    Remember when a bunch of fucking losers booed him? Fuck those people. Love Kyrou.

  11. warriorathlete21

    Drew Bannister got onto that bench, remained professional, and did not commit any inappropriate sexual acts towards any of the players.

    He got the boys going with his honesty and legitimate leadership.

  12. martlet1

    And THAT is what we call a winning streak.

  13. dixie12oz

    We’re gonna 4-3 all the way to the cup! Get reckless!

  14. Shortsideee

    You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is, ‘never get involved in a land war in Asia,’ but only slightly less well-known is this: ‘Never go in against the Blues when overtime is on the line!

  15. Kingofcrohns

    Now we are #1 in the WC let’s go!!! Big win

  16. A_Berry_Nice_User

    Opponents beware. If you are tied 3-3 with the Blues, we’re guranteed the win.

  17. Brawhalla_

    I’m gonna eat a sock for all my comments about how Schenn has regressed. He’s either scored or assisted on all three of the OT GWG we’ve had in the past three games. Brayden Schenn YOU are my GOAT

  18. dr_Parmesan



  19. Doctor_Killshot

    We may never win in regulation again!

  20. Trick421

    I love it when the St. Louis Blues win hockey games.

    (I was so caught up in the Chiefs game that I forgot… sorry Blues, thanks for winning!)

  21. Dark_Tint


    5 in a row!!!

  22. veni_vidi_eh

    Someone else said it, but this team is grinding right now. If they don’t beat you in regulation, they’ll crush you in OT, which is a possession game. They’ve also had a few comebacks. I’m pensively excited, but it begs the question, WTF do we do at the deadline?

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