@Canucks de Vancouver

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  1. Honestly, think Shane Doan is underrated, people see him as just that solid character and leadership guy. But the guy put up nearly 1000 points and over 400 goals while playing with numerous horrible Coyotes teams. If he had a consistently good team around him he'd be remembered as one of the best Power Forwards of his era.

  2. My favorite player growing up was Thomas Vanek, point per game scorer and was a key piece in the last great era of Sabres hockey. Never really hear his name in hockey discourse nowadays.

  3. Ryan Kesler was a punk and a loser. Imagine losing in the gold medal game and then next year Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals in the same arena lol

  4. Well we might see the East bias this year in the Hart trophy voting. Kucherov would have that advantage over MacKinnon, though I HAVE to say that Kooch has been on fire all season too!

  5. 100k subs incoming! You should do a live stream! We wanna celebrate the huge milestone you’ve accomplished! I learned so much about hockey from your well detailed videos, been here since 2020!

  6. Kesler is still pissed about 2011, and as a Canucks fan i gotta respect that because i feel that same

  7. How about this: Scott Stevens never won a Norris Trophy, playing his whole career for Washington and New Jersey (outside of one season in St. Louis), and you can't go much further east than that without ending up in the drink.

    As for the Selke Trophy, it's kind of hokey to begin with. To judge a player's worth for the Selke, you have to watch him game after game to see his ability, because many of the skills required are subtle and only come out after continued watching. You can't do that for every team in the league, so voters just vote on reputation and once a guy wins, they'll vote for him over & over again.

    Mark Stone is an example. I'm a sort of fan of Ottawa and have watched a lot of their games over the years. I was singing Stone's praises on hockey fan sites for years and saying he was a top-10 player in the league and most reactions from other posters was "Who?" because who watches the Senators? Yet you had to watch them every night to see his value. Around the league the professional hockey people knew, which showed up when he went on the trade market and he suddenly became a big name because every other team wanted him, but until then nobody outside of Ottawa even knew who he was. Not saying Bergeron wasn't a great player, but he played on Boston, which is a team that gets a lot of attention, but who's to say there wasn't another player (like Barkov) on a team that nobody was watching who was actually better while the lazy writers just ticked off a name because they ticked it off the year before?

  8. Please make a video on Canadian bias. Think of the countless European and Russian players that got stiffed come awards time due to this.

  9. I personally don't believe the east coast bias thing. Maybe decades ago there was, but in this day and age with cable tv and internet players don't go unnoticed just because they play on the west coast.

  10. I mean, I live in Arizona and I'm a Coyotes fan, so you want to talk about a lack of respect? Even when we have good seasons, we still get dumped on by the rest of the league, no respect from the media, etc… There is currently a bias where people think "hockey has no business being in AZ", but there is a huge fan base here of hockey fans. Lots of people come out to AZ from the east coast and the midwest to escape the winters and they go to the games. It is weird because you have a ton of Coyotes fans who grew up watching another team play and still have the other team as their #1, but they are Coyotes fans the rest of the time. Plus, the improvements the Coyotes made coming into this season and the stuff we have already accomplished this year, seems to have largely flown under the radar around the rest of the NHL. For example, how many people around the league are aware the Coyotes made NHL history this season by becoming the first team in history to defeat the previous 4 cup champions in four consecutive games? I'm not saying we have a shot at the cup this year, because I think we don't, but we have a solid group of players here that the team is building around and there is a lot of excitement for the future.

  11. Luongo honestly shoud've been the Vezina winner in 2011. I agree 100% ab Thomas getting it in 2009 but man 2011 should've been lou. Yes he and the canucks did cough up a 3-2 series lead at the worst possible time being in the final since they obviously could've won the cup in game 6 in Boston but the vezina is a regular season award and the canuck players in front of him did have a lot of serious ailments they'd played through like kesler, edler, erhoff, higgins, hamhuis, bieksa, etc. And kesler yah was a guy who quietly dominated the 2010s decade my god do i miss him. Such as badass who'd do anything for hsi teammates and superiors. I was never a fan of the canucks, ducks or panthers but my god these takes on these 2 guys i would say are pretty accurate.

  12. Nick backstrom on the caps underrated. Ovi would be nowhere close to his goal record without backstrom

  13. Hope Quinn Hughes will not fall victim to the fate of being a second fiddle Canuck and win a Norris this year.

  14. There is not a single universe in which Ryan Kesler has 5 Selke's. I preface this by saying I am a die hard Canucks fan who was a teenager in 2011. The guy had ONE elite season. He is by far the most overrated Canuck of all-time.

  15. This is akin to Brad Park and Bobby Orr.
    Taking top honors years in a row made 0rr famous. Coming in second for all these same years had Park completely overshadowed. Not nearly as known.

  16. the east coast bias is a thing but the reasons and evidence you brought up are complete bs. Time zone does not impact awards and in a group of 200 voters, statistically someone is likely to not stay with the group. Different people have different reasoning and I am assuming that there reason for choosing pasta was that he led the team that set the wins record which is completely valid reasoning if as a voter you care about players carrying their team rather than the statistic side of the sport.

  17. “Not flashy”…yet Datsyuk was one of the flashiest and still deserved this award for sure once maybe twice when it was awarded to Bergeron. In fact, Datsyuk deserved the Hart and Selke in years when he got neither. Datsyul made Canadian writers (doubters) look foolish throughout his career, just like defenders. Maybe, it was his lack of English, his preternatural skill, or his hard yet sportsmanlike play that rubbed the old guard the wrong way. Despite the naysayers, he’s still the most influential (in terms of players imitating him) hockey star since 2000. McDavid, Makar, or Kucherov could surpass him…maybe…but none of those names are as good both ways.

  18. Bergeron was great, but if there wasn’t an east coast bias in the league Kopitar and Toews would have way more.

  19. Ryan Kesler certainly altered Ryan Johansen's career in that 2017 Western Conference Final with the chippy antics behind the play. An aggravated thigh injury at 24…and the kid wouldn't play in the SCF thereafter, and without a Mike Fisher, a Preds team was then forced to center Sissons vs Crosby.

  20. Hey rob idea.

    Ovechkin is so close, but yet so far from Gretzky record. Do you think when the NHL had a lock out is coming back to effect ovi ? He would of bin so much closer to the record maybe if that lock out did not happen ?

  21. Yeah it's a shame Luongo was hidden on the west coast while playing for NYI and FLA 🙂

  22. I'm sorry, did you say the '04 Flames had a championship-calibre roster? What ARE you smoking? Flames fan who watched the '04 run, and while they beat 3 100-point teams in the playoffs and took Tampa Bay to seven games in the final, that was 99 percent Kiprusoff and the Vezina/Smythe calibre goaltending he was giving them. The Flames finished sixth in the West, had only one player (Iginla) who scored more than fifty points or more than twenty goals. Put NHL average goaltending behind that team and the question becomes do they even win a game before they go out in the first round – not something you say about a "championship-calibre roster."

  23. In my experience, Canucks players especially get no respect. They’re either ignored or hated and the media fawns over Worst Cast Ontario and east coast teams whether they earn it or not. If you’re not going to stay up to watch west coast games, don’t be a sports writer.

  24. Couldn’t stand Kessler. He was dirty just like Ketzlaf and Perry. All three of them could not keep their sticks to themselves. Bergeron and Datsyuk were never dirty.

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