@Oilers d'Edmonton

Cela devrait inquiéter le reste de la LNH

Faits saillants de la LNH – Les Panthers de la Floride contre les Islanders de New York ont ​​été un match serré souligné par Sam Reinhart Ekman Larsson et Matthew Tkachuk. Pour plus de nouvelles et de rumeurs sur la LNH, y compris les échanges et les signatures, un mélange de récapitulatifs et de réactions aux faits saillants du hockey de la LNH aujourd’hui et du contenu spécifique aux joueurs/équipes comme celui-ci sur les Panthers, généralement sur les Maple Leafs de Toronto, les Oilers d’Edmonton, les Canadiens de Montréal et quelques autres, mais faire vraiment un effort pour couvrir les 32 équipes cette saison 2023-24. LNH aujourd’hui #hockey #nhl #faits saillants


  1. As another fellow flames fan, this season has been very interesting to say, with Johnny G being horrible and all, but at the rate the nucks and jets are going, I just want to see either of them thrive in the post season and finally have Canada have some playoff success

  2. I totally agree, I've had a sternum injury before, and it really freaking hurts, and it hurts for years after. When I heard that happened to Matt I was like uhoh, this might actually screw up his career. It's just the nagging pain that kind of injury causes. Of course I didn't get much of any treatment, and he's getting the best I would assume. I think he's incredible, hope he wins a cup one day!!

  3. Oilers and Panthers were the most exciting teams to watch last year, in the playoffs. The Panthers had so many last minute comebacks. It was so fun to watch!! May both teams fall on a thousands dicks.

  4. Yet game attendance is poor. SMH A lot of markets would show appreciation for the kind of quality hockey the Panthers are putting on the ice.

  5. I get it you must put some interesting title to bring more viewers… but fuck these click baits – unsubscribed

  6. I remember watching the team this session and being like where is 19, where's our super star right up there with barky. Finally heating up

  7. Can you stop using click bait as the titles of your videos and just say what the video is about?

  8. I dont understand how the best defensive d man in hockey gets no mention as one of the panthers best players. The golden guse gets zero mention ever. Hes the best actual defender in the world. Scoring is all that matters to people.

  9. Canucks fan here. I am definitely happy we don't have to play against the Panthers very often.

    The Panthers are a stacked team. I don't know why the seem to not get much attention

  10. 100%. I’ve been saying this all season long about Tkachuk. This season he was visibly off. I think he’s near 100% now and they will make another deep run

  11. The scary thing is, (I think most in the Panther fanbase would agree) is they are not playing their 100% best yet.

    The biggest three areas of improvement of this year’s team has been

    1) Overall depth. Better adaptation when players fall to injury. We’ve seen throughout this season Barkov, Bennett, Ekblad, Montour all miss their slew of games

    2) They have finally become very good on the road already breaking a franchise record with 8 straight dubs

    3) Most importantly they FINALLY have a coherent, potent, fluid Special Teams that should be sustainable for the playoffs.

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