@Rangers de New York

RUPTURE : Les paroles de la chanson du but des Rangers sont confirmées comme étant « WHOA » et non « GOAL »

De plus, même si j’adore la chanson de Goal, le fait qu’elle soit sortie à l’été 1994 me fait craindre qu’elle puisse être maudite…



  1. Flyinghud

    The actual lyrics are whoa, we all know that, but convinently whoa sounds close enough to goal that it makes more sense to say goal.

  2. PeteyG89

    Always will be goal for me. The man even says, despite it written woah, it should be goal chanted. Good enough for me. Its not called the whoa song lol

  3. Caniac1017

    Who ever thought it was goal? I’m a canes fan and even know it’s whoa. Does it sound like goal in person?

  4. SoftwareWild1958

    It’s stood the test of time, I’ll give it that.

    Whoa walked so the worldwide fan base song could run

  5. TheIncredibleHork

    I always thought it was woah, I usually end up saying woah once and then switching to goal.

    End of the day, Rangers score, we get loud, is there really a wrong way to sing it? Still one of if not the best goal song in the league.

  6. Ridgew00dian

    I’ve never said “goal” and am proud. ♥️

  7. blumpkin_donuts

    it’s always been woah… what kind of scooped bagel mfer is saying goal!?

  8. Chet-Harper

    I’d love to get a beer with Ray Castoldi. I have so many questions for this guy. What a legend

  9. JayTee245

    Hey. I see Goal… I sing « Goal! »

  10. NYdude777

    This was obvious to anyone with ears.

  11. Evening-Top-1055

    They were singing it before ’94 though

  12. Stonewall30NY

    I don’t know a single person that goes to games that says woah. It might have been woah but it now IS goal and that’s all that matters

  13. GrimmHatter

    It doesn’t sound anything like « goal » in person.

  14. apreche

    I always thought it was woah, because the recording sounded like woah. Turns out my ears did not deceive me. But the scoreboard at MSG says GOAL. The people near me said goal. It doesn’t sound wrong. It works. Soo, say whatever is comfortable. Nobody will notice or care.

    HEY HEY HEY is the important part anyway.

  15. MarsHotelSouth

    I’m still confused!

    So they ARE saying “woah” but he is intending for us to say “goal”?!

  16. pizza_nightmare

    I yell/sing/scream both WHOA and GOAL, alternating.

  17. Yung_Corneliois

    I never knew people said Goal until today

  18. MrBogey90

    I love when Rangers fans do it a capella on the road. Never fails

  19. jkman61494

    I always found it weird to yell goalllll to a song but that’s just me

  20. jthomas694

    He literally said in the video what should be chanted by the crowd is “Goal”.

  21. ElDoradoWonTheLotto

    My friends would always laugh at me for saying “woah”. Well who’s laughing now

  22. Envelopen

    Doesnt matter what ur singing really, woah’s tend to carry more phonetically so thats what i go with cause the “G” in “goal” phonetically doesn’t resonated as hard. To each their own

  23. elarobot

    Old man rant:

    Some of us are ancient enough to have been around before the insertion of Ray’s composition…back when the Rangers like so many other teams in the league all just played Gary Glitter’s Rock and Roll part 2.
    That song was synonymous with celebrating successful moments in sporting events. It was in every arena.

    But in the 90’s, amid his mounting legal issues – some sports franchises thought to move on from it, not for fear of getting cancelled because that wasn’t a thing – but just to distance themselves because Gary Glitter as a pedophile became fodder for a slew of “truly tasteless jokes” (if anyone also remembers those books or what books are…) and his name was (rightfully) getting dragged through the mud.

    The moment I first hear Castoldi’s new song – I will never forget because it was such a shock. Back then, there wasn’t the same level of savvy PR & marketing and so the new song wasn’t teased or pre-released online in a special event or anything.

    It was just unceremoniously played after the first home goal of the ‘94-95 season, where were were all expecting to hear Rock and Roll Part 2 and instead they played this other song no one had ever before with no explanation or caveat.

    It was jarring. So much so that I’ll never forget that moment.

    Also, I’ll say this – while I don’t disagree that singing ‘goal’ makes total sense…since they’re celebrating scoring a goal…I never heard it as ‘goal’ myself and for nearly a decade – it was always “Whoah” or “ohhhh” for people at the garden. Everyone I ever made friends with in my section was on the same page with that.

    I only started to hear people sing the misappropriation of the ‘lyrics’ after the ‘04 lockout. In the years directly after the lockout, the Rangers had a new starting franchise goalie, a different kind of look to the roster and had more success than the post cup years of the late 90’s, early 2000’s. That succeed brought in a tsunami level wave of all new fans and it always seemed like the pin point of the change for me. Never heard people singing ‘goal’ at the garden in the 90’s. Ever.

    All this being said, chant whatever you want. Just be loud in the garden – that’s priority 1.

  24. MildGooses

    I’ve not once even considered it to be “goal”

  25. irishdude1212

    I thought we’ve known this for awhile except everyone will still be singing goal because that’s just way better.

  26. Alitaki

    I mean you can hear that it’s WHOA but there’s not a fan in the Garden not singing GOAL.

    Anyway, I’m kinda partial to the Hartford goal horn/song since they started using Airbourne’s Runnin’ Wild.

  27. Whoa seems more natural, Goal sounds very forced.

    Bottom line is, chant whichever one works for you….as long as you don’t do the Potvin Sucks chant! That one has run its course.

  28. dcgirl98

    They show “goal” on the Jumbotron during that part of the song. It’s not uncommon to swap out song lyrics to fit the use. Since they play it after a goal is scored, it makes sense that is “goal” but any other time should be “whoa” 😆

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