@Rangers de New York

Délit d’initié : les Rangers répondent aux appels de Kakko avant la date limite des échanges

Délit d’initié : les Rangers répondent aux appels de Kakko avant la date limite des échanges



  1. pierogi-daddy

    this is not surprising.

    it’s year 3 of him being unable to perform like a top 6 RW, LAF leapfrogged him in his first year trying a new position, and there’s better prospects at wing ready to come up now. 3 coaches have felt this way about him

    if a package including Kakko can get a real top 6 RW, it is a lot easier to replace him at RW3

  2. MrBogey90

    I really wanted Kakko to happen. This makes me sad

  3. blueline7677

    I doubt this happens. Like I really doubt we move him for a rental. If we trade for Zegras could Kakko be involved? Yeah but not for a rental

  4. This would not be for a rental or Drury should be fire on the spot

  5. SpaceBass18

    I don’t see it happening tbh. He’s young, inexpensive, and helps build a solid bottom six come playoff time.

  6. iamwilliamwit

    Makes perfect sense. He’s failed to produce as a 2OA or even a top-6 RW most of the time he’s been here. He’s also prone to injury setbacks, and seems to take a while to get back in sync (though that’s understandable). Bottom line, he’s a great kid that’s failed to live up to anywhere near what we expected and it’s year 5. What we’ve seen is what we’re going to get. Laf and Chytil both made jumps but Kakko hasn’t budged off of being a 3RW at best.

    And luckily, he’s feels better and has finally scored a few points the last few games, so interest is there. I say move him and let’s get a true RW.

  7. LetsGoNYR

    Despite what the the Kakko cultists want to say this is 100% the correct move. Best get value for him in anyway possible. He’s a bust at 2 OA.

  8. theygotsquid

    The fact that it’s Darren Dreger saying this means that the message that KK is available is either A. coming from Drury or B. coming from Kakko’s agent. Curious as to which it is.

  9. NotFoley

    Wonder what scrub Drury will trade for this time.

  10. RIPCountryMac

    A reminder that « taking calls » does not mean he’s actively being shipped, and if a GM isn’t taking calls on a player than he isn’t doing his job

  11. This would be Buchnevich trade all over again, which isn’t surprising with the same GM in charge

    Imagine trading a 22 year old who just put up 37 even strength points in ~14 min of even strength ice time

    Rangers would be total fucking morons to do this. They haven’t replaced Buchnevich since the trade, Kakko has been the best replacement they’ve had, and he’s been really good, and now they’re exploring trade options? Fucking clown show

  12. Stonewall30NY

    Taking calls doesn’t mean he’s on the trading block and unless someone wants to severely over pay for him, pass I want him here

  13. Gbeez22

    Bad move if true imo. High ceiling, he’s only 22, and him on the third line makes the team much deeper. He’s defensively solid and we see the offensive upside. Idc how low his points are rn, players click in an instant in this league. He’s cheap rn and worth being patient on.

  14. booshyschmoozy

    One thing missing from most people’s thought process here is cap space. Yes, Kakko has underperformed relative to his draft spot. I still see hope in his game, but I don’t know that he’ll ever produce to the expectation of a 2OA pick.

    That said, he’s still a very useful player and one who would be very cost effective for a few more years. Having a plug and play, defensively responsible 3rd line RW at >5% of the cap is huge for any team hoping for a deep playoff run. If Drury is kicking the tires, that’s definitely something they have to weigh in any potential trade.

  15. Shoddy_Reserve788

    It sucks. I wanted Laf and Kakko to pan out so bad really will support them until the end but there’s only so much you can take.

  16. funkingrizzly

    OMG this sub is going to spontaneously combust

  17. _Noah93

    I’d honestly rather keep him. At the very least we get an affordable middle six winger that plays good defence and has some good advance stats offensively. He’s still young and can still develop at an affordable price. So unless we get an actual asset back that isn’t a rental and is a top 6 forward and fairly affordable I rather kk.

  18. idkaboutth1s

    This better not be for another rental. We are cap strapped, have lots of players that need new contracts coming up, and are inconsistent defensively. Why trade away a cheap defensive right winger? He fits our needs very well. We don’t have any other promising RW on the roster. Kakko is definitely not 2OA level at all but still valuable to us.

    We need to get a player who will be here long term and preferably a RW.

    Also we need grit and effort in the playoffs based on what people say and past moves by this FO. Kakko’s defense and board play is literally gritty play. It’s sorely needed for us and works very well in tandem with Cuylle hitting everyone.

  19. Zero-jiggler

    This would be the ultimate sell low. I think everyone can agree he’s at least a little better than this season’s stat line suggests. Unless Drury gets a crazy overpay, this should not happen, at least not this deadline.

  20. Krispyford

    Just because he can’t score and is a bust at his draft number, doesn’t mean he doesn’t have value. He’s not a top 6 guy, but I don’t think we need to necessarily trade him because of that.

  21. RedLegRey

    This sucks. I know life isn’t fair but the devils got a superstar and our team got a decent player. Why can’t the Rangers get the superstar forward?

  22. srslymrarm

    Well, I see two options here:

    He either stays with us and continues to underperform, or we trade him to a team where he skyrockets to a PPG player.

    Which do we prefer?

  23. MikeyLikeyPhish

    What kind of value does Kakko have around the league?

  24. MyNameIsLegend

    It only makes sense to trade him when his value is at his absolute lowest, we have no depth at RW, and his contract is perfectly affordable for the value he currently provides the team.

    I would love for people to be able to separate what a player is, could be, and was expected to be. Kakko isn’t what he was expected to be but he **is** still a very valuable contributor as a depth piece, and is by no means a finished product with no room for improvement.

    Is there no trade I would include him? Of course not. I don’t mind Drury taking calls on him, but we should be hesitant to move him. If there was a trade analogous to the Buch trade and we were acquiring a 1RW who we could sign for cheap with term, I’d be fine with him being the piece. I don’t see that being that really being the case.

  25. Jokercard08

    This org deserves nothing but misery and failure.

  26. hamdelivery

    Would hate to see it. He’s one of our only genuinely good defensive players

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