@Ligue nationale de hockey

À quel point Marián Hossa était-il bon ?

Sénateurs d’Ottawa, Thrashers d’Atlanta, Penguins de Pittsburgh, Red Wings de Détroit et Blackhawks de Chicago.



  1. StranglesMcWhiskey

    I don’t know, How! Good! Was! He?!

  2. rune1923

    I really liked Hossa back in the day. He was pretty good at defense which makes him less « sexy » but overall he was a great player.

    A few months ago I was in the supermarket and I noticed a kid wearing a Blackhawks Hossa jersey. I live in California so you don’t see that kinda stuff very often but it was cool to see.

  3. SnorkelDick81

    The 1 and only jersey i’ve bought was a hossa jersey

  4. diskominko

    Oh God. So so good. 3 Stanley Cups and another 2 lost very closely say everything.

  5. BeefersOtherland

    Very good. Had a lot of tools in his arsenal. As a leafs fan whenever we played the Sens and he was skating into our zone with the puck it was cause for concern

  6. zanzibartraveler666

    Larry David can answer that

  7. NewCelebration2290

    idk, but Greg Mckegg was better /s

  8. mattsta4

    My favourite player growing up. Absolute mutant and versatile player. Was great to see him win after his third consecutive cup appearance with a third team.

  9. DeepPow420

    Hossa in 2005-2007 on the Thrashers was unstoppable and maybe the best overall player in the league.

  10. Cautious-Moose9180

    Think the peak (best two seasons) of Mark Stone repeated for a period of ten years. That was his overall offensive and defensive capability. Style, not so much.

  11. GroundbreakingCow775

    He was one of my favorite players to watch. Physical aspect of his game went under the radar

  12. Ecruteak-vagrant

    Ottawa made a mistake in trading him IMO. Would of had better cup odds with Hossa than hot wheels Heatley

  13. JeSuisAmerican

    He was really good at all facets of the game. His defense was excellent, so even when he went through scoring droughts he was absolutely an asset to the team. I loved watching him play.

  14. cheezturds

    Crazy to me the Thrashers had Heatley, Hossa, and Kovalchuk and didn’t do anything

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