@Canucks de Vancouver

Kuzmenko sur Instagram : « Chers fans, je tiens à vous remercier beaucoup pour votre amour et votre soutien inconditionnels. Je n’oublierai jamais comment vous m’avez accueilli dans la LNH pour le reste de ma vie. Ces années et demie ont été inoubliables ! À bientôt sur la glace ! »




  1. RelevantJackWhite

    > Kuzmenko

    > Ex-Canucks flair


  2. AccomplishedAd4995

    i genuinely hope he has a blast in calgary. he deserves it.

  3. Admirable-Sound5198

    No clue why anyone is slamming this deal… regardless of whether or not you re-sign lindholm, you’ve saved 5.5 mil being allocated to a player who didn’t fit with the team anymore

  4. metrichustle

    Man, Kuzy has such a great attitude and he’s always so happy. If he finds his game in Calgary, watch out.

  5. He was such a happy guy on the team. That was nice to see. Wish him all the best in Calgary!

  6. cpove161

    I hope he finds his game again in Calgary. Dudes attitude was just so positive and charismatic it’s hard to cheer against him…best of luck kuz hope you score bunches in Calgary

  7. DisplacedNovaScotian

    I wish him the very best! He’s such a likeable and entertaining person.

  8. CrayonOlympics

    Kuzy was one of the biggest characters that this team has had in a really long time. I feel like even though his time was brief he’s a guy that fans are going to remember fondly for years to come. Hope things work out for the guy in Calgary

  9. No-Management2148

    Kuzy gonna get some sweet set ups by huberdeau in Calgary. Wish him the best there!

  10. Knight_On_Fire

    He will instantly start scoring again in Calgary, a lot. Slump over. The city will fall in love with him and re-sign him, and he’ll score often against Vancouver. It will be a sore spot on this sub for a very long time. The fans in Vancouver will blame Tocchet even though Tocchet did nothing wrong. He was just trying to do with Kuzmenko what he did for Hoglander and Joshua. Dismantle then rebuild the player to win in the NHL.

    But having said all that yes of course the team is better for a cup run this season. I just don’t think people fully register the cost… Yet.

  11. ValleyBreeze

    I’m so very sad. I hope he finds his rhythm again. I absolutely loved him, right from the get go. You were by boy Blue…. er… Red now I guess? 😭

  12. almosteddard

    So many iconic moments in his short time here.

    The lemon water story, the puppy photo, the banana and Pepsi on the bench, and probably several more I’m forgetting

  13. schrodinger_thoughts

    Im not crying…🥲😢😭

  14. imprezivone

    Light it up in Calgary Kuz! Go be that 50 goal scorer you can be without the short leash holding u back!

  15. Careless_Win_6488

    He’ll tell you that for free

  16. coltonjeffs

    I hope we chant Kuzy next time he plays in Van. Guy was a class act

  17. Spookedchicken

    Best of luck Kuz, we hardly knew you but we’ll never forget the smiles, the hair, the coca-cola, the bananas, and the spiny spins.

  18. DisgruntledCatGuy

    May Calgary be blessed with many of this glorious man’s cellys

  19. ObiWangJabroni

    He’s gonna be the new Toffoli and score a hatty everytime he plays us now

  20. some_dunce

    « when you walk on by

    will you call my name? »

  21. swiftpoop

    I still want a Kuzmenko jersey, he is a Canucks legend in my eyes for keeping me entertained through a weird mostly shit season last year

  22. Fickle_Cup2207

    May he be blessed with many a Pepsi and banana in his future.

  23. Some_Plum_2615

    Who takes his spot in the lineup 

  24. ltotheogdudebetheog

    Kuzmenko reminds me so much of Vrbata.

    Incredible first season, fit like a glove.

    Second season was just a weird disaster.

  25. digitalcashking

    I fucking love Kuzy. Hope he has an amazing career in this league.

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