@Wild du Minnesota

Jason Spezza après le match | Maple Leafs de Toronto @ Wild du Minnesota | 4 décembre

Jason Spezza s’entretient avec les médias après la défaite 4-3 des Leafs en fusillade contre le Wild du Minnesota. ABONNEZ-VOUS : https://tml.hockey/3FvgtoG SUIVEZ-NOUS Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/torontomapleleafs/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mapleleafs/ Twitter : https://twitter.com /MapleLeafs #Leafs #LeafsForever


  1. This is a win itself, huge moments from everyone, the old leafs would've had this score run up to 5-0 with no fight back whatsoever. After the absolute heater weve been on cant be mad leaving with a point! Good luck tmw boys

  2. Well guys , I did warn. You agsinst this
    I told JC 2 days ago not tp underrestimate thesr guys .
    No one paid any attention to me .
    Still , nice come back .

  3. Build the statue. Such a team guy. You can tell he’s super disappointed they lost and couldn’t care less that he had an absolutely monster night. Also, they def would have won had Spezz been available for the shootout.

  4. I really wanted them to score in ot so that smug ass smile the wild's coach had after the slash could be wiped off. That shit pissed me off. It was like he thought he was embellishing.

  5. Marner's out so naturally Spezza steps up and shoulders the entire offence, seamlessly taking over PP1. One goal with the 4th line, another goal on the powerplay (the 5th of the game and first that didn't come off a horrible bounce). Then a primary assist on the next powerplay to tie the game.

  6. Isn't Spezza the obvious choice to replace Marner for now? Bunting-Mathews-Spezza had good chemistry. Ask Kerfoot to be a center tonight. Ritchie-Kerfoot-Simmonds and move Engvall with Tavares and Nylander. Since Joey Anderson didn't play much, put him with Kampf and Kase on a regular line.

  7. Minnesota coach trying to say he dove
    pathetic man, assistant coach needs to get his brain examined. Spezza doesn't dive

  8. Slash to Spezza, run over Campbell, and not one Leaf does a thing about it. If anyone ever did anything like this to Gretzky, all hell would break loose. The Leafs have no backbone.

  9. This guy right here is the true essence of hockey, embodies everything that a player should be, great role model and talent, his love for the game and dedication to the success of this group has not gone unnoticed with his fellow team mates & fans of Leaf nation. Absolutely love Spezz !!

  10. You did the right thing buddy. Knee to knee are danger thing and can ruin player careers. Some history with Pionk

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