@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[LeBrun] LeBrun sur TSN Sportscentre : « Le prix en ce moment pour Chris Tanev, m’a-t-on dit, est un 2e choix RD + un autre atout. Les Leafs n’ont pas de 2e choix de RD pour les 3 prochaines années, donc il faudra un 1er choix de RD si les Leafs veulent faire sortir Chris Tanev de Calgary.

[LeBrun] LeBrun sur TSN Sportscentre : « Le prix en ce moment pour Chris Tanev, m’a-t-on dit, est un 2e choix RD + un autre atout. Les Leafs n’ont pas de 2e choix de RD pour les 3 prochaines années, donc il faudra un 1er choix de RD si les Leafs veulent faire sortir Chris Tanev de Calgary.



  1. I don’t know what’s scarier. Trading a 1st for 34 y/o Tanev, or re-signing him.

    At this point I’d rather add assets and go after Chychrun, Sanehim, Hanifin etc.

  2. foxcatcher3369

    Another first for a rental? Pass, we’ve seen this one.

  3. Plague183

    Then no thank you. I’m not opposed to spending a 1st at all, but I would try to avoid a Foligno incident where your 1st goes to a vet that could get hurt.

  4. InternationalBrick76

    He’d be a solid piece but he doesn’t move the needle enough for that price

  5. Parzival091

    Fuck that. Either use the pick to get someone like Buchnevich who will make a legit impact and not become an anchor next year, or just wait til FA and sign Pesce. Do not give up assets for Tanev.

  6. chriseleventy7

    Do we trust Brad? Do we think he’ll make good deals for the team? I’m not that familiar with his style outside of his offseason this year and then what the flames fans are saying about the Monahan debacle

  7. jimbeamblack8586

    Good luck Calgary, I’m sure you’ll find a way to bend over to Cancuks

  8. BobbyAxelrod1

    Does anyone believe this team can win in the playoffs?

    1. Florida ….lose in 5 games again
    2. Boston…. lose in 6 games
    3. Tampa… lose in 6 to 7 games
    4. New York Rangers…. 7 games 50/50 chance to win

    Let’s not give up the future to get shite results.

  9. types_stuff

    This off-season is UFA D-Man season – just sell this season and build for next.

  10. housington-the-3rd

    Kind of a big jump by Lebrun there. The Leafs could trade for a 2nd, they could offer a prospect equal to a 2nd, they could trade multiple 3rds, etc etc. Just because they don’t have a second doesn’t mean the price is a first?

  11. slashthepowder

    Anecdotally the leafs seem pretty good at developing players (with exception to goaltenders), losing a first round pick for a rental is not great when they could use good cheap payers in entry level contracts in the years to come.

  12. james-HIMself

    Not for a rental. I’d rather go big and get chuchrun if he’s available at that price

  13. jokerjoust

    Honestly, with what’s out there and the price to acquire, plus the limited, potentially trade able assets the Leafs have, combined with a so far mixed bag regular season, it’s probably best the Leafs stand pat.

    Let the season play out as it will, and hope for the best.

  14. CocoKeel22

    Tanev + another asset for a 1st wouldn’t be too bad

  15. Huge_Beginning5552

    Dubas really pissed away our 2nd for the next 3 years lol?

  16. fancypants55

    If Columbus could shave a hair off of Werenskis contract I’d be all over it. Time to cash in on good drafting. They need to rebuild. 

    No idea how we fit him in though. 

  17. breakyoudown

    LeBron actively attempting to impede Toronto yet again

  18. Pristine_Office_2773

    Hmm let’s see…this hasn’t ever worked for…ever? So yeah let’s keep doing it

  19. ElephantShell34

    All the talk about should the Leafs be buyers at the deadline or not is always so binary. I’m of the opinion that they should look to add some pieces but at the same time of course they need to use some common sense. 

    For example I would not advocate trading a 1st for Tanev. 

  20. Kid-Goose

    Im all for using our firsts for rentals. Im not all for using our first on Chris Tanev

  21. Boggywaters

    If our core 4 included a defenceman we’d be such a better team…look at the past cup winners: Pietrangelo, Makar, Hedman…love Reilly but these guys are just on a different level when it comes to being a number 1 defenseman. Adding Tanev is just another bandaid, not a solution

  22. Ok_Figure7074

    Best time to trade Marner is now.

  23. Shoelesshobos

    If we are moving a first I’d sooner go for someone with term still like Oleksaik

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