@Canadiens de Montréal

Les Canadiens ont acquis un choix de première ronde (2024) et un choix conditionnel de troisième ronde (2027) de Winnipeg en échange de l’attaquant Sean Monahan.

Les Canadiens ont acquis un choix de première ronde (2024) et un choix conditionnel de troisième ronde (2027) de Winnipeg en échange de l’attaquant Sean Monahan.



  1. TripleWDot

    Realistically it’s just a 2024 1st because the condition on that 3rd is contingent on the Jets winning the Cup this year. Not a bad deal all things considered.

    At the end of the day, I think Hughes played this very safely, and I’m ok with that.

  2. Pazzaaaaaa

    I am now a fan of jets getting knocked out first round or winning the cup. No in between

  3. Now we’re Tanking TANKING. I know the trade somewhat makes sense, but it still hurts. Loved the guy.

  4. thebriss22

    Something to consider here is the fact that of all the teams who could have used Monahan, Winnipeg might the one more likely to get a surprise early exit this year’s playoffs. Boston, New York, Emdonton.. all those guys should go far in the playoffs so Hughes might have taken this into account.

  5. Garland68

    r/hockey mad because they don’t think monahan is worth a 1st. r/habs mad because they think he was worth a 1st and a top prospect. The dichotomy of sports fandom😂

  6. Seb_Nation

    At the end of the day people will dismiss the conditional pick but hey, it’s there so in the realm that actually do win it we get an extra pick we wouldn’t be getting.

    Thanks Monny!

  7. WintertimeLivingEasy

    it’s like a win-win-win for Hughes.

    Free 1st rounder to get him

    + Jets are most likely gonna face Stars, and if they have a first round exit, it could be a 20-24th pick.

    +the team has no 2c and no 3c, meaning full tank

  8. Dexteris

    To those unhappy about the team efforts to fall down the standings this year, well it’s on now!

    We now have 2 nhl centers left. Suzuki and Evans lol

  9. Alb4t0r

    It’s a bit smaller as a return than I expected, but keep in mind that Monahan probably had a say on where he wanted to land, so we don’t know what were the offers. Plus there’s no salary retention, which tend to come with its own cost.

    In the end we got two late first rounders for a guy who played less than a full season for us, there’s a limit to greediness.

  10. Thaddeauz

    So our centers are now Suzuki, Evans, Stephens and Condotta until Newhook come back in a few weeks? The Tank is alive and well.

  11. MattXXIII

    Thanks for everything Mony! Loved having you on the team- here’s hoping you sign with us next season.

  12. voldemort69420

    If he ends up resigning during the summer with Mtl, he’s gonna end up as the most valuable asset in the habs’ modern history

  13. KonkeyDong66

    Who had Evans are our second line centre at the beginning of the year?

  14. Patient_Fan_1993

    Hughes has said publicly he wants to trade away 2024 draft picks, looks like he’s just stocking up more 2024 picks to package for a deal at the draft

  15. Baronleduc

    Okay. I wasn’t expected to get the moon in exchange, but compared to the Lindstrom trade two days ago, is kinda … disappointing?

    Maybe the Lindstrom trade got us super hyped for Mony.

    A first round is a first round, and that’s great return.

    … but I wouldn’t mind if we get a young player on top of the first round( not McGroarty or Lambert, that’s obv we ain’t gonna get them. The Jets aren’t stupid).

    Unless Hughes has other ideas for potential trades next TDL.

  16. I said Monahan having a say in where he’d prefer to go would prohibit any bidding war and lower the return.

    Looks like that’s what happened. Just a 1st rounder is as baseline a return as one would expect.

    Now the question is whether Hughes trades that 1st rounder away for another Newhook reclamation project or actually drafts a kid.

    Per Tankathon that 1st is 30th right now. Whatever happens in the playoffs, it should be a very late 1st rounder. Not a huge value by itself.

    All in all, we got two 1st rounders for letting Monahan play 74 games with us. A net positive.

  17. Habs_Apostle

    Well, I guess this is nice. Ultimately, though, it depends on what comes of the first. Does it translate into a solid roster player? Time will tell…

  18. JeanJacquesDatsyuk

    Tij Iginla with that pick 🙏

  19. paul_33

    Not gonna lie, I expected more but its literally a free pick for signing him. Good job

  20. Leftover-Lefty

    We’re about to take a big step back and I’m totally cool with that. Happy they were able to get another 1st for him. Wouldn’t surprise me if they packaged that pick to acquire another sub 21 year old player/prospect.

  21. DivinePotatoe

    He will now and forever be known as Sean « Two Firsts » Monahan.

    May his trade tree be eternal.

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