@Ligue nationale de hockey

Les Jeux olympiques sont de retour !

Les Jeux olympiques sont de retour !



  1. TheLateFry

    Crosby, MacKinnon, and McDavid all on one line.

    Fuck me.

  2. Responsible-Cow-1807

    Please please please please please

  3. Ok_Mammoth9547

    Auston Matthews on Team USA let’s go!

  4. FellSorcerer

    Professional athletes in a celebration of amateur sport. It never made sense the last time it was around, it still doesn’t make sense now.

  5. stonerburner420

    I hope it doesn’t fall through man we deserve this

  6. Canucks-1989

    Better late than never! Too bad we didn’t get this a few years back

  7. Pucks_N_Fucks

    So only 4 nations will play the next two years? So no Draisaitl or Stuzle. No Russians (fair enough)… No Czechs? Seems a bit weird, not exactly best on best til the Olympics but oh well

  8. Particular_Tutor_46

    Why only a four team tournament? What’s the point. Hardly a “World Cup”, more like a look how unpopular hockey is globally tournament…

  9. Gosedjur

    I hate NHL for fans to wait 12 years to watch national hockey with the best players. World Champions and Olympics should always has the best players

  10. thefunkphenom11

    Watch them pull them out of it again…

  11. l8on8er

    Uhoh Canada, can’t back out of this one like you did in 2022.

  12. IndividualCup7311

    Thats what was said last time smh

  13. GrumpyOldGrower

    Best hockey news I’ve heard in years. Now I’m already excited for the next winter games!

  14. Bright_Beat_5981

    I believe it when I see it. As in when they drop the puck in the first game.

  15. IllustriousSearch838

    Damn, Sad Crosby won’t make the cut cuz of how much faster and better the younger Canadian players are

  16. Ok_Artichoke_2804

    FINALLY! Olympics hockey going go be epic again. But wait, who is going to be goalie for Canada? If fleury is still healthy & good, maybe him? Otherwise, I can think of any goalie in nhl that’s Canadian… that’s good to play Olympics at least… darn it . (Luongo & price, come out of retirement– jk)

  17. JimmetroBrooks

    No way dreams really do come true

  18. sextoymagic

    Will Crosby make the team if he regresses before then? I want to believe he has a guaranteed spot. But with his age a drop off could happen around then.

  19. BenguinsMilk

    I feel lucky that the top pairing on my team will likely be the top pairing on Team Canada

  20. ambassador321

    FK yeah!!

    This is gonna be one sick Olympics.

  21. Unstep-in-Time

    Stupid. Bring back the college kids.. Return of Mike Eruzione and Neal Broten.

  22. Bulg1us

    Bad, should include more nations, not just an insational tournament

  23. Beardaway26

    My best ever hockey memory was watching the gold medal game at the bar with my buddies, just old enough to legally drink and it was fairly empty. The waitress brought over a giant tray of shots for us to grab when the game started and another after the game ended all from the owner. When Sid scored that goal we all jumped out of the booth and we nearly knocked the table over. Good fuckin times

  24. Beardaway26

    My best ever hockey memory was watching the gold medal game at the bar with my buddies, just old enough to legally drink and it was fairly empty. The waitress brought over a giant tray of shots for us to grab when the game started and another after the game ended all from the owner. When Sid scored that goal we all jumped out of the booth and we nearly knocked the table over. Good fuckin times

  25. OneNineSevenNine

    Personally, I’m just not a fan of Olympic hockey. Mostly because it’s not really a deep field. There’s maybe 5-7 competitive teams… I don’t find that interesting. To each their own, but it’s too shallow to be interesting.

  26. Constant-Squirrel555

    Fuck the NHL, denied us from prime McDavid with Sid, and a breakout out MacKinnon during the last Olympics.

  27. Old_Beyond3256

    The league is losing popularity. They need this.

  28. Different-Hunter-921

    Canadians will be in prison so I’m not worried

  29. JDubs234

    Mcdavid, Mackinnon, Crosby, Bedard, Makar, Marner.

  30. TorturedFanClub

    Canada will be favourites best on best. Canada has the best forward and defense groups in the world. The only area Canada is not dominant is in net. Id say the USA and Russia easily outperform Canada in net. Thing is in the last Olympics, Canada didn’t really need more than average goaltending to win Gold. They smothered the opposition and scored enough to win. Will happen again.

  31. Tra1lK1d

    Fuck. Scott Neidermayer was an amazing player.

  32. flyinghouses

    The way it should. Fuck covid and the NHL for depriving us of this for too long.

    2006 Swedish team forever on my mind….

  33. Banzai262

    we were rob of a somewhat young crosby with mcdavid and mckinnon

    but we will still kick everybody’s ass

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