@Wild du Minnesota

#213. Les Wild du Minnesota ne sont tout simplement pas si bons

La semaine de congé du Minnesota Wild est arrivée, mais si nous sommes Bill Guerin, nous veillons à ce que les garçons ne profitent pas complètement de leurs vacances après avoir gaspillé une fois de plus leurs espoirs en séries éliminatoires. Kirsten Krull et Jessi Pierce plongent dans la mauvaise, la plus méchante et carrément la pire partie de la saison du Wild jusqu’à présent – ​​et essaient de déterminer quoi faire. De plus, Kirsten est une étoile ponctuelle et Jessi pense qu’elle pourrait révéler dans une course d’obstacles – ce sont des compétences d’étoile, bébé. Comme toujours, nous sommes créés par de nouveaux studios vocaux, présentés par sotastick, présentés par talk north, livea, royal credit union, grain Belt et Jim Beam, c’est l’épisode 213 de la saison 5. ASSUREZ-VOUS D’AIMER, DE NOTER ET S’ABONNER! Soutenez nos sponsors ! SotaStick : bit.ly/3avLkoc (utilisez le code « BARDOWNBEAUTIES » pour 15 % de réduction sur votre achat) Contrôle du poids vif : https://livea.com Grain Belt : https://www.grainbelt.com/ Royal Credit Union : https : //www.rcu.org/ Connectez-vous avec nous sur les réseaux sociaux ! Facebook : bit.ly/2KHQ3Zh Instagram : bit.ly/3phaAm7 Twitter : bit.ly/3avLN9W Et n’oubliez pas de nous consulter (ainsi que de nombreux autres excellents podcasts) sur notre réseau vedette ! Réseau de podcasts Talk North : bit.ly/3rpFuLl


  1. In the NHL you wither want to be really good or really bad, and never in the middle, which is where the Wild always are. Unfortunately, Wild fans continue to pack the Xcel Center. Until that changes expect more of the same 20+ year mediocrity.

  2. I have reached my point of I don't care for the season. I just look forward to listening to you ladies every week and watching Brock Faber Calder watch. I don't want to make playoffs. I would rather have great draft pick. Just tired of them pulling us in on these little winning streaks and then just disappointing us. The bardown podcast doesn't disappoint us. You ladies just entertain us every week. Plz just keep the great work

  3. Jessi, with all due respect your team is screwed this season, sorry for being honest. 🤦🤦

  4. The Minnesota Wild are AMBIVALENT. The old saying is, "Ambivalence Is A Picket Fence…Decide Which Side To Fall Upon Otherwise The Pickets Go Up Your Kiester…" I am thinking they have little regret about getting it in the kiester!

    "Dear Wild Fans, we are quitters. We have quit things in the past and we fully intend to quit things in the future. For right now we're quitting on you! Why? BECAUSE WE'RE QUITTERS AND THAT'S WHAT QUITTERS DO…WE QUIT."
    The Minnesota Wild

  5. There's a couple of things I look forward to during the week, usually that includes the Wild's performance and a win every once and a while.
    Currently, the list is down to 3 things Wild related and none of them involve the Wild: the beauties weekly podcast, judds podcasts and shannon's (The Hockey Guy) power rankings. So, thanks for being more reliable than the Wild and for all the excellent discussions.
    Here is a question for the future: Who is coaching the Wild next season? I personally feel like Evason should be rehired, or at least he should be given the first choice opportunity.

  6. Moving old useless players opens opportunities , that’s why u sell. Ugh. Plus the Coaching throughout the organization is Not Good. They need to clean house

  7. Guerin lives on a throne of lies, A Standup Philosopher aka a Bullshitter. BG signed slow old washed up mediocre players thinking they could lead to winning. First mistake of his era as GM was making Mighty Mouse Captain , his first words as a Leader said it all. PLAY HARD HAVE FUN. Koivu 2.0 will NEVER WIN A THING

  8. The Wild are ahead of Chicago, Sharks and Ducks in the WC, that’s it so…. I’m very interested to see what decisions are made moving forward into the final year of the buyout cap hits. The team hasn’t been this far out of a playoff spot since BG’s arrival. My hope is management can make the adjustments necessary to salvage something of value from the worst year. ( statistically) in recent memory.

  9. My Wife and I moved to Arizona in 2022 from Rochester. This podcast is responsible for keeping me a Wild fan (not sure that's such a good thing right now lol). Look forward to the new pod each week. Thanks for doing what you do!

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