@Avalanche du Colorado

À quel point Nathan MacKinnon est-il réellement bon ?

Vous avez actuellement face à l’un des joueurs de hockey les plus dominants au monde. Un joueur dont l’intensité rivalise avec celle de Kobe Bryant et est devenu l’un des meilleurs centres de l’histoire moderne de la LNH. Cependant, son parcours pour en arriver là n’a pas été facile. C’est l’histoire de Nathan MacKinnon Ayant grandi dans la communauté très unie de Cole Harbour, en Nouvelle-Écosse, le jeune Nathan Mackinnon laçait ses patins. Inspiré par la légende locale Sidney Crosby, le parcours de MacKinnon commencerait sur les mêmes patinoires. La ville a rapidement pris conscience de son talent lorsque Mackinnon a enregistré 200 points en 50 matchs alors qu’il avait 11 ans. Puis, à 12 et 13 ans, il enregistrait des saisons de 110 et 145 points respectivement. Mais qui dit promesse dit pression. Les chuchotements ont commencé : ce gamin était-il le prochain Crosby ? Dans le monde du hockey, les comparaisons sont une arme à double tranchant. Ils peuvent vous soulever aussi rapidement qu’ils peuvent vous alourdir. Pour MacKinnon, chaque foulée sur la glace était une bataille contre les attentes.


  1. I remember being surprised & somewhat disappointed we didn't draft Seth Jones.Partly cuz he was a dman,& we desperately needed blueline help at the time.But mostly cuz Jones dad played for the Nuggets,& he kind of grew up around here. Plus I'd never seen Mckinnon play-I grew up in Denver.But as nice of career as Jones has had-THANK GOD Sakic & the Avs knew better-lol.

    And til 2022,it wasn't just that we kept falling short of a Cup…but hadn't made WCF even in 21 yrs. We were the Cowboys or Philly Sixers today of the NHL til then-lol. But we are so damn lucky in Denver.I work at Ball arena,& with the Nuggets/Avs…& Jokic/Mckinnon-not even mentioning Makar,Rantanen,& Jamal Murray.

  2. From the moment rantanen started playing well on 2nd year in nhl, it boosted mackinnons level alot. Dont think it was only confidence which boosted him on 17-18 season.

  3. I must say that even though he gets criticized for his intensity, I firmly believe this team (current) would not have won a cup without him.

  4. I agree Mcd should win the MVP this year… still can't believe he lost it in 2017-18 to Taylor Hall. Especially since he played less games and had more points that season.

  5. MacKinnon's my favourite player at the moment. The combination of speed, physicality and skill is something no other player can match. Most people will say McDavid's the best, but I'll take MacKinnon over him every single time. I love his intensity and power on the ice.

  6. I've been in Denver since '95, the year the Avs came here from Quebec, and have been a huge fan of theirs since day one. That team was just stacked, with the likes of Sakic, Forsberg (my favorite), Roy, and many others. We got 2 cups from that team and could have gotten more if Detroit and Dallas hadn't been so good as well. This team now is the closest thing we've had to those original guys with our newest superstars…Rantanen, Makar, and The Man, MacKinnon!!

  7. Very good. He could be the only person on a forward line that isn’t held as defensively responsible aka plays to his strengths, and the line will still run through you. Whether it’s him or his buddies that catches him skating around like a goddam lightening bolt. I don’t even like the Avs but you have to be an idiot not to appreciate his get the fuck outta my way style.

  8. I think where MacKinnon beats all others currently in the league is his explosiveness in every aspect, he has the mcdavid skating, matthew’s shooting, and crosbys playmaking, but he does all these things quick. It’s really amazing to see, he just goes so fast that it’s hard to understand what he is doing on the screen.

  9. « After some hockey politics he was traded to Halifax Moose heads » . Say the truth, he was traded because he was a whiny bitch who didn’t want to play for Baie-Comeau Drakkar so they were forced to trade his rights after they drafted him first overall.

  10. What a beast of a player.

    Damn I hate the way NHL has been towards the olympics. As a Finn I'm furious we still haven't got a chance to see our maybe the best team of NHL-players we've ever had to play together against the best. I know I know, it's nothing compared to team Canada, we are a small country. But still, I think we'd be pretty good.

    And I feel bad for McDavid and MacKinnon for this. They should be able to represent their country in the biggest tournaments and have a chance to win it all.

    And about the world cup: it's fine, but it just doesn't feel the same as the olympics.

  11. For me, he best suits the label of a Beast. Singlehandedly, he has no peers. I am thrilled to watch McDavid at top speed but MacKinnon is a powerhouse. If he had to, he would go through. He lifts you out of your seat. This is no slight to McDavid as I see him as being the best forward in the game because of his ability to involve the team. MacKinnon is more of a finisher. What a duo!

  12. How good is Nate??? He’s a beast!!! 2nd best player in the world and an argument could be made he’s #1 considering he’s actually won a cup. This coming from a die hard oil fan.

  13. MacKinnon is a dog. Has a fighter champion mentality. That's what McDavid lacks compared to Mack McJesus is much weaker mentally it's like the pressure wears him down where that same hate and pressure makes Mack excel.

  14. I feel like Mack has comparable speed and puck handling skills to McDavid. Thing is though is that Mack has that chip off his shoulder of winning the cup so i could see him being relaxed in the playoffs.

  15. I am a McDavid fan-boy, but he's a great player, big, strong, quick. A more than worthy rival. Awesome to see lads of Celtic ancestry McDavid, McKinnon, kicking arse.

  16. After Duchene left, Mac and Landy took up the leadership roles. Landy is able to keep Mac focused when he starts to get frustrated. I hope he’s back for the playoffs. Landy is needed. I think the duch move lit a fire under Mac, since that season his numbers sky rocketed and his on and off ice preparation has taken off. His ability to make plays at full speed is something only a few elite players can do, and I’d argue his cross overs and edge works are unmatched. Every time he touches the puck, you feel like he could scor3x

  17. One thing that I think gets overlooked in his career path is that between his 1st and 2nd NHL seasons he put on a LOT of muscle. He really bulked up physically, and it was actually kind of detrimental to his game because it slowed him down and he lost that separation speed. He cut down that extra weight after a couple years, and that's when he started to become truly elite, because he was more able to play his patented speed/skill game while still being strong as an ox.

  18. Any argument that MacK is a better or more "complete" player than McDavid is just wrong. The reason he has a cup is because his supporting cast was incredible.

    This is the first time McDavid has had a consistently strong goalie and defense, and look at the oilers.

  19. Mac Dawg, he got that fight in him. It is what makes him my favorite player in the league right now. This is coming from a Blackhawks fan btw.

  20. Mackinnon is a top 3 player in the show. He has more spunk to his game than Mcdavid but Mcdavid has more speed and maybe a slight edge is pure skill. I think Mackinnons game plays better in the playoffs since defense is tighter. So it’s a toss up between the two for me. I’m not trying to disrespect Crosby either but he’s just not as explosive as he once was.

  21. this was like watching a broken record player. this could have been a 2 minute video lmao. mackinnon is a beast tho no doubt about it so explosive

  22. Bruins fan here…..when they play the Avs it’s a real treat to get to watch McKinnon and Makar play, they are both phenomenal.

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