@Canucks de Vancouver

Oh mon Elias ! Les Canucks acquièrent Lindholm pour Kuzmenko

Hier, j’ai réalisé une vidéo décrivant 3 erreurs dont les Canucks doivent éviter cette date limite des échanges. Plus tôt aujourd’hui, les Canucks de Vancouver ont annoncé une prolongation de trois ans pour le directeur général Patrik Allvin. Il s’est immédiatement mis au travail et a réalisé son plus gros échange de la saison, envoyant Andrei Kuzmenko, Hunter Brzustewicz, Joni Jurmo et une sélection de premier tour en 2024 pour Elias Lindholm. Son métier a-t-il suivi les critères que j’ai décrits ? Rejoignez-nous et découvrez le! Comme toujours, si vous avez apprécié cette vidéo, n’hésitez pas à liker, commenter et vous abonner !


  1. Kuzmenko was never going to work out here.

    Brzustewicz was trending nicely

    Jurmo is never going to be an impact player at the NHl level.

    Our first was expected.

    The 4th meh (Conditional)

    We kept Hoglander and also unloaded 5.5 million in cap space for this summer.

  2. Lindholm on the wing???? I don't know the faceoff stats, but I guarantee Lindholm is better than Petey. I think this is a move you make when you think you're close. I still think the nucks need another dman and maybe another piece in the bottom 6.

  3. kuzmenko was out and a 4th is a throw away and jurmo was not working out. so, lindholm for kuz, a 1st (28-32nd pick) and hunter. it will be suter, miller, boeser, lindholm pettersson and mikheyev unless they move mikheyev.

  4. Thank u for the fast video I needed a smarter hockey fan than me to tell me what to think and feel about lindholm and our prospects

  5. I PREDICTED THIS TRADE!!!!! First time ever that I've predicted a trade and I literally called that Lindholm and Kuzy should be swapped, they will both fit better on their new teams. Great trade, as a fan of both teams.

  6. I can't help but think that some of their acquisitions on and off-season are basically former employees of their former clubs. Like a manager, you'll get somebody you know well and have some sort of established relationship and rapport while knowing their skillset fit your company

  7. You have to pay a bit extra to get this guy. 5 teams were looking at him so good on Alvin for striking now. Also plenty of time to fit in.Go Nuck!😃

  8. Essentially

    A late 1st

    A healthy scratch

    An overrated prospect

    A never gonna make it prospect

    Conditional 4th


    Calgarys best centre


  9. I like your idea for the lineup. It’s the ideal situation if all pans out. Lots of flexibility nonetheless.

  10. Ya did a good job on the video bud. Don't sweat it. This hit fast and hard. As for the trade. We hot milked if Tanev isn't included in this but I'm hearing there is a wait and see coming with that. If we don't get Tanev out of that heavy payment… I'm geting Benning trade vibes again. Like Gubranson trade vibes.

  11. If you have a chance to get your franchise first cup, you gotta go all in

    Nucks have been playing it safe for over 50 years and have diddly squat

  12. Kuzmenko is better in a less rigid structure. and Elias should do very well in one. only time will tell. excited to see what happens next.

  13. Moving to Calgary next month so buzzing to see Kuzzy, just a shame it's not in blue 🙁 Seems a pretty worth it trade if the change of scenery can get Lindholm going.

  14. Don't feel bad for kuzy he waved his no move Claus to Calgary so he could play more so I think it's going to work out good for him and hopefully work out good for us go Canucks go.

  15. Someone mentioned Hoglander’s top 6 potential and I completely agree. Give him some top 6 minutes and see how it shakes. He’s a gritty forecheck that can shoot greasy goals. Like Garland, his height doesn’t hamper him at all from getting physical

  16. Stopped watching once I seen you had Peterson at centre over Lindholm lol

    I love petey but his faceoffs need a lot of work he’s struggled at times

  17. I would prefer to keep the lotto line together and run Suter-Lindholm-Hoglander as a second and push Mikeyhev down to a fourth. That should give the second line a lot better performance than what we say with Kuzy-Suter-mikheyev. I really don’t think Mik is a first line player

  18. I'm a Flames fan. Definitely WIn- WIn Lindholm will be great for the Canucks run. Very happy with the return as well.

  19. Remember when Luis Erickson was brought in to play with the Sedins? How'd that work out? I trust Tocchet to line up Lindholm to bring out his best, maybe with Pettersson, maybe not, maybe on the wing, probably at centre. Cheers.

  20. Losing Hunter is a non issue cause of Quinn Huge. Also, he is a long shot to make the show as a top 2 dman.

  21. Canucks are going to regret losing Hunter I think. The first rounder isn't THAT big a deal seeing as it will be near the bottom of the draft order. As excited as I am for the season the canucks are having, I'm not sure this is the year to go all in.

  22. 3 Centers on one line, I don’t think so… Suter will remain with Boeser and Miller unless they reunite the Lotto Line.

  23. For the moment, I don't think the Canucks overpaid. Brzustewicz is the only aspect I'm sad about, he's having a historic season in the OHL, and that's no guarantee but we already have damn solid looking D prospects in Willander and D-Petey, so it's not like management sold the farm. Kuzmenko had an awesome freshman year but was slipping this season. Hope he finds more success probably getting more ice time with the Flames. Jurmo and the 4th round pick are non-entities and I'd be shocked if either cracks the NHL. The 1st round pick will be later in the draft. Won't know their impact for like 5 years. Don't have high expectations, but you never know. Tage Thompson only player in recent memory that made impact as a really late first rounder.

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