@Bruins de Boston

La LNH n’a jamais voulu que cela arrive

#nhl #hockey #torontomapleleafs En 2016, les fans de la LNH ont eu l’occasion de voter QUI ils voulaient pour le Match des étoiles de la LNH. Cela les amènerait à voter pour l’exécuteur John Scott. Ce qui allait se passer ensuite resterait l’un des plus grands moments de l’histoire du match des étoiles de la LNH. Match des étoiles de la LNH 2024 Compétition d’habiletés des étoiles de la LNH 2024 Repêchage du Match des étoiles de la LNH 2024


  1. I loved this all-star game. IT was the only one that i actually watched. This was a big FU by the fans to the league and good on them. The league needs to wake up.

  2. I live John Scott back in 2016 I didn’t know why he was there tbh but now I know why also nhl executives are f-ing bastards who don’t want what fans want only the product they want I missed enforcers in the league tbh better times tbh

  3. ''Don't participate in the All Star Game that thousands of fans voted you in and want to see you'' "Do you think this is something your kids would be proud of" Damn the NHL sounds like a great workplace with a lovely commissioner

  4. It's so funny how often the nhl tries (and most often succeeds) to shoot themselves in the foot. It's so embarrassing compared to other leagues smh..

  5. Shame on the NHL for the way they responded to this. They should have just run with it.

  6. "would never forget" I literally dont remember a single thing to do with the all star break from ever in the history of ever.

  7. I wasnt for it but now hearing what the nhl has asked john scott to opt out and saying Do you this is something your kids would be proud of? that is low now im glad he stayed and stood his ground

  8. What a great moment! He owes a lot to Jeff Merek for make that off handed joke. I'm sure a lot has come to Scott as a result of it.

  9. The first, and last, all-star game I watched since I was a kid. There hasn't been a more interesting an entertaining ASG since the 90's. And of course the NHL had to change everything to ensure it never happened again.

  10. I think you also got a hand it to the other players for making his time and this game for our fans, even more memorable by playing along and having fun with it

  11. This was the only all star game I’ve watched and actually enjoyed. I haven’t bothered watching the most recent ones now it’s all the same stupid clown show.


  13. How dare you call Kane the "Greatest American Born" Player that honor Belongs to Mike Modano Unless Kane has passed him in points etc……

  14. I still remember in 2016 when we had to vote for the MVP and the NHL did not show John Scott as an option. Crazy how it still happened!!!

  15. The fact that even the players loved that he was there and wanted to play with him just shows the league doesn't care about it's fans or players

  16. Not a lot of people know that has an engineering degree, to juggle a degree like that and still have a career in the NHL is a feat in itself.

  17. Bettman has grown the league and done good things to market the NHL but stuff like this is why I can’t stand him. This was a great story and he wanted to squash it. Not every great NHL story needs to be mcdavid level stuff. Bettman needs to lighten up.

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