@Devils du New Jersey

Ce jour-là dans l’histoire de la LNH… #nhl #hockey #nhlhighlights #nhlhistory #njdevils

Le 29 janvier 2015, le gardien du Temple de la renommée Martin Brodeur a annoncé sa retraite de la LNH. Brodeur est le meilleur gardien de but à avoir jamais joué dans la LNH, donc cette date dans l’histoire du hockey restera gravée à jamais.


  1. ….and robbed of the 2003 Stanley Cup MVP.

    Set the all-time record for most shutouts in the playoffs. 3 shutouts in The Finals, including game 7.

  2. Patrick Roy is the best goalie that ever played just remember when they picked the Olympic team bro was the third goalie picked when you have an offensive game bro door is not the best Patrick Wise there’s a reason for it to stop 12 shots game but I’m sure you don’t know nothing about thatthey probably had the best defense around while lost big games and gave up terrible goals and those big games

  3. He’s not,

    Hasek was better,

    He was out there taking teams that shouldn’t even be on the playoffs on deep runs while Brodeur has Scott Steven’s and neidemeyer back there with lemaire’s 0-5 trap giving under 20 shots a game.

    He’s the best for longevity. But you need to win 1 game or 1 playoff series and most people would take Hasek or even Roy over him.

    Team Canada didn’t make him the starter in Nagano, he was the 3rd string goalie for salt lake thanks to Roy declining to go he got the backup spot behind Joseph and was able to be the starter thanks to a terrible start to the tournament for the team . And in 2010 again was made backup.

    The hockey people out there never had him ahead of even other Canadian goalies through his career.

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