@Rangers de New York

Qu’arrive-t-il aux Rangers de New York ?!

Depuis le début de la saison 20/21 de la LNH, il est juste de dire que les Rangers de New York ont ​​été témoins de nombreux drames hors glace. Cependant, les événements qui ont eu lieu autour de l’équipe la semaine dernière remportent certainement la palme ! Qu’il s’agisse des retombées de Wilson-Gate, d’une déclaration publique condamnant George Parros et le département de sécurité des joueurs, d’une revanche pleine de bagarres contre Washington ou des licenciements du président et du directeur général de l’équipe, les rebondissements semblent sans fin. et tourne ! Étant donné que tant de choses se sont produites en si peu de temps, permettez-moi de vous présenter une chronologie complète des événements, de vous faire part de mes réflexions ou opinions là où je le juge nécessaire et de discuter de la progression de l’organisation ! #NHL #NewYorkRangers #Hockey Devenez mécène ici : https://www.patreon.com/OddManRush Twitter : https://twitter.com/OddManRushYT N’hésitez pas à aimer, à vous abonner, à partager ou à regarder certaines de mes autres vidéos et à remercier vous êtes vraiment d’avoir regardé !


  1. What are your thoughts on the events over the last week? Let me know in the comments below!

  2. Wilson shoulda got the rest of the season for boarding Carlo. Not a Bruins, caps, or rangers fan but that head hit made my stomach curl.

  3. Rangers should sign some goons for next season and place target on Wilson right at the start of first game next season, if the NHL dont suspend him, they need injure him for rest on next season

  4. Wilson had a boarding hit on Sean Kuraly the game before this one, I think he should've been out one game for that.
    Check it out

  5. Tom Wilson should have been suspended for a long ass time. Parros should be fired.

    And to be clear, don't like either team and I have a instinctive dislike for Russians being a Finn and all that. But what Wilson did is fucking disgusting. You don't beat on a player laying face down on the ice and you certainly don't pull someone's hair and slam a player WITHOUT A HELMET TO THE FUCKING ICE!
    I don't care who started it and whatever was done, be it pushing on the goalies pads or coming in as a third man and pulling someone off their teammate, NOTHING justifies Wilson's actions.

    If NHLs player safety don't take it seriously, then it's time to bring back bounties for some street justice.

    I love tough, high speed hard hitting hockey. What I don't like is dirty players. They should get punished harshly. It isn't "old time hockey" or manly to cheap shot someone who can't defend themselves. "old time hockey" would have ended a player like Wilson's career before it even started. OTH was tough and brutal, but there were rules everyone followed. Wilson would have been seen as just a big of a scumbag back then as he is now.

    Compare someone like Wilson to someone like Merchand. I loath Brad because he is an asshole and a pussy. I do respect his style though since it's his job to be an asshole and rile others up. What he doesn't do is try and hurt other players. Wilson has shown that while his job is pretty much the same as Brad's, he has complete disregard for the health of his opponents. He doesn't care if he gets an opponent off the ice through a misconduct or on a stretcher. Either one is fine by him. That's why I can't accept or respect him as a player.

  6. Okay so how about if you make a play you should be suspended for, if the player is injured you too should be out for the amount of games the player misses out on? I feel like at this point two identical situations will result in different outcomes.

  7. What happened? James Dolan happened. He has been hands off for years with The Rangers.

    James Dolan has concentrated on micromanaging The Knicks for many years. It's so bad that they had their first winning season in ten years just this sean. Dolan is a Dan Snyder style moron who swears he is brilliant and demands total loyalty.

    DOPS has always been a hot button issue. But Dolan has Bettman's contact details as well as those of DOPS. Dolan could have had a Zoom call with Bettman, Parros, and anyone else to air grievances in private. There are discussions to be had and professionals handle them in private.

    James Dolan is not professional. He made a statement himself and publicly called for Parros' ouster and questioned the integrity of The NHL. My niece was more professional when she has a toddler meltdown.

    Jeff Gorton and John Davidson distanced themselves from Dolan's arrogance because they are professionals who have more brains than entitlement. Dolan saw that as disloyalty of the highest order and fired Gorton and Davidson. b

    If you want to handle Wilson, have someone fight him or give him a stiff shot-alone. Don't cross check Anthony Mantha in the head. What did he do-directly-to Panarin or Buchnevich in Monday's game? Nothing. A line brawl from the jump was utter crap.

    Instead The Rangers let Tom Wilson control their collective psyche and threw a game because they head hunted instead of playing hockey.

  8. Those scrums happen all the time Panarin is just a lot smaller than Wilson so it looked worse. The punch to Buchnevic was definitely uncalled for though

  9. It’s funny how people are just now getting irate over this. The NHL always puts enforcers in charge of player safety. Imagine having Scott Stevens in charge of player safety, even though he disregarded it his whole career and literally tried to kill people on the ice. This isn’t George parros fault, this is Gary Buttmans fault for consistently being the absolute worst sports commissioner in history. Mediocrity starts at the top.

    My take, panarin should have never jumped on Wilson’s back.. It’s his fault for trying to be a tough guy, all while knowing Wilson’s history. It’s like jumping on the back of a wild gorilla and expecting the gorilla to not fight back. All the rangers are mad their “all star player” got injured. Then their all star player should have stayed out of it. He got tossed around like a little kid.

    Also rangers fault for trading brendan for nothing, when he was the grit that could’ve taken care of Wilson or helped keep him in line.

    In general, I love all of it. For the last few years hockey has lost a lot of the will, heart, and grit. The league has been boring, cup runs lacking the excitement, almost like players are just playing to get paid. Now it feels like players are actually giving a shit, leaving it all out on the ice. I absolutely love it all. More fights, more animosity, more rivalries, more drama. Bring back character and entertainment to the teams, I miss when teams had their own distinctive play style.

  10. He just ate $5000 for breakfast this morning. NYR #1 superstar is out for the rest of the season. Someone will be knocking on Wilson's door, hes got a big target on his head.

  11. i think the way punishment was doled out was b*llshit, and im definitely not a rangers fan. wilsons punishment was way too light, and buchnevich didn't deserve to be suspended. but i think the firings are a bit odd with only 3 games left. and Davidson built a hell of a team there. rangers will be serious contenders for years

  12. ill say this much about the whole thing. its a big CF. Fact #1. Tom Wilson is indeed a goon. we know this. he physically hurt oscar sundqvist of the st louis blues in a very questionable hit that i saw happen and he got suspended for it. that being said, when tom wilson isnt playing goonlike he is an effective nhl player, but he cannot get past his issues and heavy mistakes. Fact #2. Tom Wilson after injuring Panarin SHOULD HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED for the rest of the season. absolutely blown call by george parros, PERIOD. Fact #3. George Parros is an idiot. Fact #4. James Dolan is ALSO an idiot. did he have the right to question the decision of parros? absolutely. but you never openly call for the job of an NHL employee, period. Fact #5. John Davidson and Jeff Gorton had absolutely Jack Squat to do with James Dolan's scathing statement and rightly got out in front of it right away to protect themselves. Fact #6. their firings are retaliatory by James Dolan because they refused to take his side in blasting an NHL official, even though he clearly made the wrong call and deserved to be at least just called out on it he didnt deserve to have an nhl owner call for his job in that kind of statement, you wait until the end of the whole season and playoffs and when the board of governors and owners meet up in offseason and speak you bring it up to the owner of the nhl and let him make the call. Fact #7. Chris Drury is an consummate professional but should in fact speak up that he had nothing to do with the scathing statement but will work for the betterment of the rangers organization. while that may not sit well with James Dolan it needs to be done. the reason for this is Chris Drury is now squarely in a VERY HOT SEAT being now the rangers general manager and if he does NOT make it 100% crystal clear he had nothing to do with the statement, while he currently has this job, should he ever be canned by the rangers organization down the road other teams WILL question if he had anything to do with the statement and possibly consider him Persona Non Grata. I lean towards John Davidson and Jeff Gorton getting back to work with another NHL team probably in the next calender year or less as a distinct likelyhood. theres ALOT of wrongs in all directions here, and while i dont believe that Chris Drury had anything to do with this statement he had better get out in front of it too if he values his future as GM with ANY team in the nhl.

  13. I think it's really dangerous for the NHL to fine the Rangers for them criticising the decision and Parros.
    It's kinda getting the vibe of the NHL trying to be a dictator, and no one is allowed to quesiton them. Really fishy I'd say..

    The NHL should appologize to the Rangers, pay them back the fine and suspend Wilson. Simple as that.

  14. I just stumbled on this channel. I must admit, I'm very impressed to hear someone with a British accent talk about hockey.

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