@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Ouragans de la Caroline

Champions de la Coupe Stanley 2006 des Hurricanes de la Caroline – Vidéo que j’ai réalisée à partir d’un des matchs, profitez-en !


  1. What you mean the STANLEY CUP CHAMPION Carolina Hurricanes? Them? Well from the looks of it they deserved to be in the finals, because they won game 7 3-1.

    Go Canes!

  2. Well when you finally get to hell, youll be strapped to a chair and have to watch game 7 for the rest of eternity. Kinda like in clockwork orange, but no doctors putting dropps in your eyes. Itll just be me sitting beside you screaming "Go Canes" into your ear.

  3. Dude, WTF, Srsly. Youre STILL talking shit? It was a month ago. LET IT GO! Just face it, Canes are the champs, and there is nothing you can ever do about it.

    Go Canes!

  4. Wow, youre really dedicated to talking nonsensical bullshit about the Stanley Cup Champs arent you? Get over it, Canes rock, Habs Suck, Raiders suck, and you suck for not having a life. I swear, I bet you could keep this up until the start of next season couldnt you? Ill bet your a Yankees fan too. If you are, then fuck you even more because the Yankees suck too.

  5. Not a Sox fan, though Trott Nixon did go to my High School. The Braves are my team. 14 devision titles in a row. Enough said.

  6. Carolina earned their cup. Simple as that. Congratulations to the 'Canes. But us bolts are gonna be hot on your tail this season..I hope 😉 Too bad I don't have a home team to cheer for, I live in australia, but that's okay 😀

  7. If this was Game 1 of the Stanley Cup, I was there! Not only that, but some old lady got decked by a puck in the row ahead of me (it almost hit me too!) and she refused to leave despite being injured. She only left when the Canes took the lead. I agree, what a game!

  8. Don't know how you "deserve" the cup except by…hmm..WINNING it maybe? they Won it and it's in the history books boys so get used to it. As a long time Whaler fan (WHA included) living in NC….it can't be any sweeter.

  9. Somebody must not have gotten any love from mommy, or perhaps a puck hit him in the head….maybe mommy hit him in the head with a puck.

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