@Ligue nationale de hockey

Est-ce une suspension ?

Est-ce une suspension ?



  1. Archiebonker12345

    I don’t think so. But who knows these days

  2. emasslax22

    Probably will be buttttttt don’t know if it necessarily should be. Head is out in front of the rest of the body, bending forward. It’d be first contact point if he ran into a wall….

  3. Jefflehem

    That dude ran his face right into him. Not his fault. The guy was leading with his head.

  4. warpedashell

    Pens fan, and I didn’t think it was intentional. Thought he missed the check and it was just bad luck.

  5. Scary_Scene5269

    First I want to say I’m not a jets fan at all. Looks to me like the jets player timed that hit wrong, and the penguin player stuck his head out and ran right into him. Had the hit been timed right he would have smoked him right into the boards for likely a suspendible hit.

  6. Friendly-City-4911

    It always looks worse when it’s in slow-mo.

  7. fdisfragameosoldiers

    It could be. It’s unfortunate that the guy got hurt, but it was more that Dillon mistimed the hit as opposed to deliberately targeting the head. Feet were planted, elbow was down, and he didn’t change course at all. If he had been a split second later it would have been a clean hit and they guy would have been demolished.

  8. Equivalent_Goose_226

    Why would that be a suspension?

  9. Particular_Tutor_46

    No… watch where you’re going…

  10. 1362313623

    He skated into the guy’s shoulder 😂 Absolutely not

  11. TurnCalmTheVolume

    Tucked his elbow in and leaned to check. Buddy leads with chin as he falls. This is just a hockey event.

  12. mikbeachwood

    He did not initiate the contact. If you’re standing on a bus stop and your bus drives off a cliff, are you liable.

  13. mroe21877

    If a guy runs head first into the boards does the nearest opponent get boarding call? He ran face first into the guy. They didn’t call a penalty when bedards jaw got broken, I don’t think, for same reason.

  14. hartman7414

    Hope not jets player seemed to be trying to tuck his arm in to avoid contact with the head. Tbh bonus points to jets player for recognizing that and reacting in short notice he went above and beyond to avoid something that could’ve been worse

  15. chicknsnadwich

    Rough hit but doesn’t seem intentionally dirty. He could maybe get a game but with DPS it’s a shot in the dark.

    Do we know if he has any prior history of fines/suspensions? That could also be an indication.

  16. Honey_Badger2199

    I mean where is he supposed to go…? Phase through the glass? It’s unfortunate but it’s more like he ran into him

  17. markphil4580

    If I run face-first into a brick wall, is it the wall’s fault?

    Edit: It shouldn’t be a penalty, let alone a suspension. And he wasn’t checked into the boards, so you can’t even bring the vague boarding rules into it.

  18. creepsnutsandpervs

    Nope, and and the intended hit would have been way more brutal

  19. SilkyBowner

    No, player had their head low.

    The guy making the hit didn’t move, didn’t target the head or leave his feet

  20. Windex-Sniffer

    Just give Tom Wilson 20 games and move on.

  21. usernametakenahhhh

    Knowing how George Perros does things, it will be some ridiculous suspension of 5 games

  22. Asusrty

    Since most people here are leaning towards no suspension he will get 3 games for spite.

  23. paklyfe

    Players with the puck really need to stop skating with their head like this.

  24. Strypes4686

    I’m going to say no…… as bad as that looks the Winnipeg player committed to lining up that hit and merely put himself in the way against the boards so nowhere to go but deliver the hit and Acciari stumbled a bit so that wasn’t meant to be a headshot.

    But… Parros is Parros so who the fuck knows?

  25. Monst3r_Live

    no, just a guy who took a strong position and laid a hit. no extension of the arm, he just braced for contact and the result is poor visually.

  26. Coaljet66

    Should not even be a penalty
    The Hurt guy ran into Dillon
    Dillon wasn’t moving

  27. greatvike

    I mean you can’t skate down the wall through the neutral zone with your head down he picked it up eventually but at that point it’s too late

  28. chuckmangionie

    He took a left when he should have taken a right

  29. StelioKontos99

    No, he ran in to him. No check was thrown.

  30. SpezEatsScat

    I don’t think so. I think it’s a bad call by the zebras. Penalty, sure. Misconduct, no.

    To me, looks like he (5) went in for the clean check. 55 was at a normal level to receive the check, cleanly. They were lined up good and 5 closed out that lane. 55 goes for that last second poke of the puck and really went low. Looks like he tried to make the play to advance the puck while simultaneously trying to avoid the hit and caught it good.

    My piece.

  31. channelseviin

    Nah clean.

    The other player is shorter. Then ducked lower (assuming playing puck off the boards) then ate the hit.

  32. No_Reporter_5023

    No arm was tucked no elevation. Player skated into it. 5 and a game was enough

  33. humberhawk

    Arm stayed tucked. No follow thru. Penalty…? Sure. Suspension? Naw.

  34. ZonJon929

    Fuck no, dude practically dove head first into Dillon.

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