@Sabres de Buffalo

Les Sabres gaspillent une opportunité parfaite ce soir – Réflexions d’après-match

Eh bien, nous les avons mis dans les cordes, puis avons décidé de ne pas être méchants et avons fini par perdre après que tout ait été dit et fait.. merci d’avoir regardé et à demain les amis 👍 ** Communauté Discord sur ce lien 🦬 : https ://discord.gg/DcRqQFN5nV ** « Khachaturian Saber Dance » a été acheté sous licence et acheté auprès d’Audio Micro (Licence n° U269T3409)


  1. Speaking of hitting, I slammed my clothes dryer door in frustration after this game and broke the darn latch. Can I charge the team for a new dryer?

  2. Its obvious that this group of guys we have will never be successful- theyre young sure – but a young team doesnt take a huge step backwards – they only get better each year – we are loaded with prospects and talent – hire a superstar gm and make some major trades and build this team right – hire someone from the vegas organization- they obviously know how to build a team from nothing – no player on this team is untradeable at this point- make that trade for that columbus defenseman before its too late and a team like detroit or ottawa gets him – geez stop the bleeding already

  3. I Know why The Pegula owned Franchises will never Win Championships. It’s a long story to get into on Why. On other platforms I explained why and it was removed. Nobody wanted to hear it,but it’s the God honest Truth. I would explain it on here but I don’t want to get removed from this Platform because I Love this Channel and Love what Wayne is and all the Other Great people on this Channel. Not here to offend anyone’s Beliefs Either. All i will say is i have strong proof on Why things are the way they are. Also,it’s my strong opinion. I love both Franchises and will until I die !!!

  4. I'm still trying to figure out why Okposo replaced Tuch on the top line. It makes no sense to me, what am I missing here? Oh well what a bummer game.

  5. Lack of physical play (on the boards and at the net), and lack of a nhl top line are the two reasons they can't score. Thompson is top line material, has nothing on the wing. I love granato the person, but he is consistently getting outcoached. His inability to adjust has doomed his tenure. Dahlin looked amazing last night, literally no one competent at the net to put those in. Okposo, skinner, benson, jj….these guys don't have a net presence. Benson and jj looked great but at this stage they are not net guys. The inability of the coaches to put players in positions to be effective means they should all be fired.

  6. Come on peeps that goalie played like Luuuuuuu,he was pissing me
    Off Dahlin could of tricked but that Goalie ,dam him Dam!!!

  7. and I watch "Sabres Live" and yes I know they are paid by the team/network but very little if any criticism of the team and yes I know they want to keep their jobs but geez guys. yesterday they posted the lineup for the game with okpose(sic)

  8. Glad to see you are feeling better Wayne! Two reasons why Buffalo lost this game were Oettenger the Refs.
    Oettenger stood on his head and stole this game and the two Dallas 5 on 3 power plays were absolute BS!

  9. Why is Okposo on the first line? If Cozens is doing so good why is his ice time only 15 min.

  10. Tired of hearing the excuse this is a young team. Young teams should have speed and be fast. No more excuses. Turn this ship around. Look at the arens, lots of empty seats.

  11. Synergy ain't cutting it. NHL is softer, but not that soft yet. Sabres play like they are in an all star game. Should have Toronto play Buffalo at the end of the season and give everyone participation trophies

  12. I'm still frustrated with the soft defensive coverage in front of our net. Power needed to clear out the Dallas player on the 2nd goal and instead he just stood there staring at him while they got an easy rebound goal. This has happened so many times this year that I don't understand how they don't see it coming.

    The lack of hitting is embarrassing. The power play is embarrassing. We were lucky to finally get Tage open one time. It has been so predictable.

  13. Lots of shots but not much driving to the net for rebounds, screening Oettinger, trying to get under Oettinger's skin, trying to get under anyone's skin, etc. As for the plethora of shots, big deal…lots from the periphery, lots from distance, not many high danger chances, not a difficult game for Oettinger… with the majority of the Sabres shots they were one and done.

  14. Wow solid effort by the Sabres tonight to start off the home stretch! Only lost by a goal. Hopefully next game we can tie, and then by the game after we will win. Keep improving. Then the last game of the stretch (Panthers) I would be okay with losing. Can’t expect us to win 2 games in 3 days. So going 1-2-1 in the stretch would be amazing! We’d be on pace to probably make the playoffs by 2034. Hopefully, as long as our baby faced – soft ass players keep on improving and our head coach keeps on being a Mr. Mackey lookalike – beta twat. Fuck this team sucks.

  15. I was at the game .. looked same in person 😉… we need to get Diamond Hands on this team asap .. if you don’t know who he is, do yourself a favor and google. Thought they played well enough to win but still don’t have the closing punch as a team.

  16. regardless of the coach.. this team is not a team that can win games on default.. look at the top 6, its still a rebuild, lack of depth, waiting for players to develop. i dont know what people expected once Kevyn resigned Okposo and Girgensons. i guess this offseason changes is going to be made, but i wished that was done last summer.
    i also we need to talk about the obvious problem buffalo has of being on so many no-trade lists, making it very difficult to form trades to improve this team.

  17. Glad you're feeling better Wayne. We all need you to help with our venting. Really appreciate your videos and your point of view which is usually right on! I'll go as far as to say that if they gave you the GM job tomorrow, this team of pussies would soon not be so pussified and even make the playoffs next year. We can piss and moan about the coaching
    and player performance but I think the main problem that is blocking any real progress is coming right from the top. Need an owner who has real vision and a will to win. This guy (and/or his wife) just doesn't give a shit.

  18. How to beat a hot goalie? Get in his face. Screen him all night. I guess that means going near the crease and that's not Granato's game.

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