@Jets de Winnipeg

Ça avait l’air si mauvais

Il y a eu une grosse collision sur la glace mardi soir lors du match des Penguins de Pittsburgh contre les Jets de Winnipeg où Brenden Dillon a reçu une pénalité de match pour son coup à la tête de Noel Acciari. Cela et bien plus encore dans la vidéo NHL Hockey d’aujourd’hui !


  1. Every beer league has a guy who thinks he’s Gretzky and looks like Acciari does here. If you’ve played hockey you know that if you want to sneak across the line you had better know if someone has an angle on you.

  2. No angle or explanation will justify that hit….all head and Dillon drove himself upwards at the point of contact. After watching it in slow mo it was even worse than in real time. He deserves every game he gets on this one seeing as Acciari will be out of action even more games than Dillon in the end.

  3. No malice, unbelievable…. You only say that to piss us off and generate comments… I am too smart for that to work!

  4. Dillon gets suspended without pay until the victim he tried to ruin is cleared to come back and play. Until this kind of rule is in effect the greasy pieces of shit type players and Dillon is one, will continue to do this.

  5. The timeline looked like he didn’t mean to hit him that far over. I think he didn’t anticipate him to get in that far. Hate to see it though cause I am a Pens fan. I hope he will recover quick!

  6. I'm a Jets fan and Winnipegger, and I say it should be 3 games. Although player safety seems to be determined by the team the guy plays for and since the Jets are the child Bettman never wanted, he'll probably end up with 5.

  7. I'm not here to cheer this on but this definitely is something I cannot complain about as a Habs fan. If they are losing games then they can get a higher draft pick!

  8. As a pens fan , I thought Dillion was just trying to cut him off . At that speed it’s difficult to adjust to a player reaching for a puck and becoming vulnerable.

  9. Whole lot of people in here who clearly never played the game themselves.Sorry that looked like hockey to me ,unfortunate yes , but greasy I dont see it. He bent over at the waist moving fast the collision was inevitable, arm down, shoulder first ,no elbow, no grease here.

  10. Eck videos have been so trash since he’s tried to smash nba and nfl into his schedule.

    Quality and views in the dumbs compaired to 2 seasons ago.

  11. We can't know how "purposeful" this hit was. They need to give him a 1 game suspension. If it was just a mistake, then no big deal. If it happens again, then he's got a history of punishment for injuring a player to add to the next suspension.

  12. For people trying to do mental gymnastics for Brenden Dillon: when you're actively looking to make massive hits and b-lining people down, you're gonna find what you're looking for eventually and sometimes you're going to make sole head contact. This is the way Dillon plays. It really doesn't matter if the full head contact was an accident. He was looking for it and he found it. Easy suspension.

  13. Dillon is anticipating that he will stay tight on the boards. When Accari cuts to his right to avoid the hit he creates the crossed path.

  14. Slowing down the play it doesn't looks like there was intent to injure. Dillion's shoulder appears to be low, Cookie looks like he basically skated into it at the perfect moment and he unfortunately gets injured.

  15. this is 80/20 on Acciari … no matter the angle Dillon is gonna be there, he's most likely gonna get hit in the head.

  16. I went to school with Acciari. I dont think the hit is that bad because he doesn't chicken wing, but he does pick the head unintentional.

  17. Keeping your head up is not advice, it’s a rule if you want to stay healthy… hit could have been planned better but it’s not like he had time to write it up and submitted it for comments….

  18. Dillon needs to connect with Acciari's shoulder, it's really as simple as that. His angle led him to be in front of the skater and with Acciari leaning forward, got smacked in the head. Probably not intentional, but the results speak for themselves. It was bad when all you hit is the head area.

  19. Reasons why "buckets" suck –

    They aren't properly secured (look how loose the strap hangs even when strapped) nor include a chin strap for more leverage.

    It has no facial protection, meaning even if bucket stays on, if you fall face flat onto the ice, you're eating ice which means bye nose, cheek bones, chin.

  20. Nice to see majority of comments, even from a lot of penguins fans, people are being legit here in their takes… Dont think this was dirty, nor intentional. Majority of the issue lays on the guy leaning forward into the hit, and dillion protecting his blue line in a physical way. Unfortunate. Im convinced the way he fell after trying to get up was why Dillion was kicked out. And the technicality that there isnt a way to put yourself in bad position anymore… You can lean forward with your head down and exposed, and thats a problem for every other player around you now, but yourself apparently.

    I get trying to take as many out of the game as possible. But were giving players the idea, and rightfully so now, that concussions have NOTHING to do with themselves, and EVERYTHING to do with the other players trying to hit them…

  21. Most of Matt Cooke's hits weren't malicious but yet nobody let him off the hook.

    He should be suspended until at least after the Pens Jets game on Saturday.

  22. "blows him up" Am I not seeing this right? The angle around 0:18 makes it look like Dillon is skating toward the glass and Acciari skates into him. FYI: The Jets have been playing that way all year, covering the wall to try to break easy zone entries from wingers. The Jets looked slow for at least half the and Dillon was admittedly moving pretty fast to close the gap and get into position. Still doesn't explain why Acciari would prefer a high speed collision to dump/chase or passing to an open guy.

  23. Feets are planted before contact. Achari leads with his head, and Dillon made the wrong move to finish the check. Ill be the first to hand longer suspensions for head hunting, even more than what currently is being given, which usually are a joke considering the long season. However this is completely accidental. But ill expect DOPS to get this completely wrong 😅

  24. The point at which Acciari bends over is about ten feet from Dillon. Seems like a long distance and a lot of time to react. Dillon has barely moved. He is already squared up for a hit. In fact he was squared up about a second earlier.

    You think to yourself he has a whole ten feet to make a decision. Well that ten feet is covered in 12 frames. The video is shot at 24 frames a second, which gives Dillon approximately half a second to let up from the hit.

    It takes 220 milliseconds for the brain to register and for your body to react to an event. That is a quarter of a second.

    So Dillon had 280 milliseconds or just over a quarter of a second to adjust himself and get out of the way of Acciari to avoid hitting him.

    Dillon is on skates. Planted and slightly leaning forward with minimal forward motion prepared for a hit with the boards in front of him. What can he do in 280 milliseconds given the circumstances?

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