@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Brenden Dillon Match Penalty contre Noel Acciari

Saison 2023-2024 Jets de Winnipeg contre Penguins de Pittsburgh 06/02/2024 Il s’agit de ma deuxième chaîne qui se concentrera uniquement sur le contenu de la LNH. Ma chaîne principale est ici. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd9r-o0geG0gHvboKrSxdfw


  1. Just bc a guy has his head down doesn't mean you can check his head. If Dillon doesn't understand angles and timing yet during hits, he shouldn't be playing. Dillon will absolutely get suspended.

  2. If the NHL wants to eliminate concussions in hockey, they have to penalize all hits to the head. No matter what.
    The nhl chose to pick and choose which hits are deemed illegal. They have set the precedent to be indecisive.
    That wasn’t a major, nor a penalty at all. It was a good hit based on the NHL’s indecision.

  3. These clowns don't know how to skate with their heads up anymore. He's just staring at the puck as he crosses the blue line and then is leaning forward, heads down crossing the neutral zone. Looks up just in time to get his bell rung. I've seen this time and time again and @chasingthebiscuit has tons of these videos. Every "Match penalty" seems to be initiated by a skater skating literally anywhere on the ice with his head up his ass. By definition not a heads up play bud! Scott Stevens taught a big dude named Eric Lindros this lesson almost 24 years ago… does he have to come back and do it again? Make enforcers great again? Jeeze I don't know what to say…

  4. I'm a Penguins fan, but I don't see anything wrong here. Acciari is bent so low right before contact and leaning so far forward that it's impossible to hit anything EXCEPT for the head. I guess Dillon was supposed to step out of the way and let him skate by?

  5. I like acciari. I don’t care about Dillon. But I’m confused. So if any player is skating on a rush and they start puck watching. If they know they are going to get rocked they should keep looking down to make it a major now? I know they say the onus is on the player making the hit to not hit vulnerable players but now players are making themselves vulnerable which hurts them and screws over players going to lay down a hit. If he had kept his head up moving forward he would have just got rocked. Instead he made his face and head a point of contact. Now a possible concussion. And the jets player will probably get a fine and suspension. It’s just like all the boarding calls now. The league has to set a precedent and follow through on calls instead of picking and choosing what they deem to be misconducts. The consistency in suspensions and calls is wild.

  6. When the human body is moving under its own power, the laws of physics generally require the head to be at least somewhat forward. This simple fact makes for a lot of unintentional but yet illegal head contact. It doesn't matter whether it is rugby, American football, or hockey. For about a 100 years it didn't matter. In the last 5-10, it has.

  7. so if you skate folded over like that you cant be hit? Everyone will just start skating like that so they cant be hit

  8. His heads down that's not a penalty. All players will intentionally keep their head down to draw penalties this is bs, double standard bs from league officials like usual.

  9. no place in hockey for this crap…..it is the NHL's Head Office fault as they don't penalize players enough….suspend for 20 games and see what happens……

  10. I didn't see dillon lift his arm up, accari seemed to skate right into him.
    I think the hit was clean, i think this is hockey

  11. The people who dont agree with this hit dont believe fighting/hitting has a place.
    Acciari and others need to know you have to keep head up and cant be superman just think your going to force/get clean entry. Alot of players put themseleves in bad positions these days i guess they think nothing will ever happen or i got away with playing like this since 14.
    90s and 2000s hockey was different these hitters hard/tough players every NHL team will want for 7 game series.

  12. What's the first thing you were taught playing hockey?? KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!! Its all about situational awareness. This was a clean hit. Accari was bent over. The defenceman never left his feet and he hit Accari with his shoulder. Too many Snowflakes out there. Is it any wonder the NHL's ratings continue to slide?? Ladt year's ratings were down 27% for in season games. This year so far its 33%. Its turned onto soccer on ice. Thanks Bettman.

  13. Tough spot imo. Guy is skating full speed with his head down, leading with his head. So the only option is to allow zone entry uncontested? And Jet player was at the spot first, guy skated into the shoulder.

  14. So….. everyone needs to learn to skate around with their head down because apparently you cant be hit then. Just lead with your head down low or up your ass.. he basically skated straight into Dillons shoulder.

  15. this is bullshit, dillons arm is vertical to his body and acciari ran into his shoulder. acciari is leaned over making his head a foot lower than if upright. Had eye on puck and put
    himself in an unfortunate position. Dillon is bracing himself for the impact. Acciari may of seen what was about to happen at last second and tried to dodge him but impact was
    only his head.I don't believe this was the outcome Dillon expected . He thought acciari would hit him body on body and play would carry on. Watch slow mo.
    What was going through Acciari's mind ,if you watch before he hits him, it is like he does not see Dillon there, he never lifted his head but went straight into his shoulder.

  16. When 1 guy is hunched over gawking at the puck and the defender is straight up and down. He cut him off and the Pittsburgh guy ran clear into his shoulder. Buff on stone will always be number 1.

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