@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Mikhaïl Sergachev s’est étiré après un coup inversé d’Alexis Lafrenière

Tous les droits reviennent à la LNH. Je ne possède pas la musique et les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. It's a broken fibula. I broke mine playing hockey in a very similar way. It wasn't a check/reverse check, but my leg got caught under me exactly like that and SNAP.

    He'll heal up just fine. But it's gonna suck for a while

  2. Young kid, already super respectable. Weird seeing the younger guy apologizing to the older guy, usually you see the opposite.

  3. i'm thinking it might be a tib and fib break, in the second angel in slow mo you can see a bend right at the top of the skate, foot then seems to go limp

  4. you absolutely hate to see it. an innocent play, and honestly a pretty good hit by laf, but sergachev just falls wrong, an awful scenario, and i can say this on behalf of all ranger fans that we wish him the best in his recovery. hes a special player, and someone who can really change the game.

  5. Legs aren't supposed to bend like that. Brutal injury that was a tough watch. Praying for a speedy recovery for Sergachev.

  6. Fucking hell that looks painful as hell, I hope everything's cool with the guy and that he can return to playing soon. Gotta definitely also hurt a lot psychologically returning to the ice and then getting this accident so tears is deffo understandable.

  7. Recovering from injury is an extremely frustrating process. To hurt yourself again in your first game back is devastating.

  8. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I really think that checking should be removed from hockey. Unlike a game like say, football, checking is not actually core to the game of hockey. Take the NHL all stars game for example, there was almost no checking and the game functioned fine, in fact it was arguably more entertaining since players could make more interesting plays without the fear of being boarded horribly. I’d really like to just see one season where they ban checking, and just see what happens. If it’s sucks, go back, but if it doesn’t, we would save countless future careers.

  9. Спустя 17 матчей вернулся и снова травма, только куда опасней……Да что ж такое, здоровья Михаилу

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