@Golden Knights de Vegas

mdr pourquoi les fans des Flames sont-ils toujours aussi putains de beautés ?

Le vitriol purement chaotique qu’ils abritent pour les Oilers est inspirant



  1. Mulletville Greasers is a pretty rad team name though

  2. H_M_N_i_InigoMontoya

    This made me smile way too big

  3. Antichristopher4

    I’m a certified Flames fan after last postseason

  4. Dadalid

    Flames are the better team in Alberta 😬

  5. slurpeemcnugget

    I wanted a W tonight but not so much for the two points but to see the Flames fans take the oiLers to the woodshed.

  6. femmemmah

    Lifelong Flames fan here. I fell in love with y’all during the 2023 Cup run. Initially I was just cheering for whoever was playing Edmonton, but I very quickly realized that you guys play some damn good hockey.

  7. Unlikely-Entrance-90

    As a Calgary Based Knights fan, Flames fans have put up with so much disrespect, they are way more humble then oilers losers. Edmonton fans are always too cocky

  8. Ok-Practice-2325

    We’re Philly West. Forced to watch our rival city get gifted generational talents for being so completely awful that it has to be done on purpose, while we struggle with cheapskate ownership that gives us heartbreaking roller coasters where we’re either a force or aggresively mediocre, but almost never bad enough to draft high.

    If we DO draft high or pick up a superstar, the whole thing usually crashes a season or two later, due to player ego, owner ego, coach ego, or some combo. I like what Conroy is doing with the team now, but sometimes it feels like we’re born under a bad sign you know?

    Meanwhile a fanbase who throws hotdogs and garbage on the ice in a playoff game while the world is watching, throws jerseys in urinals, or on the ice in an _October_ regular season game, or over the railing at the world’s most overhyped mall because McDavid is not signing them that day, continues to be rewarded by the hockey Gods, and they think they deserve it.

    They also state this loudly (« BUT OUR DECADE OF DARKNESS »), while pretending the sports media doesn’t talk about them enough, and the refs don’t give them enough powerplays.

    That’s all without collecting easy to hate players like Kane and Perry too.

    I will also say that the team itself hasn’t always been hateable. Guys like Ryan Smyth and Gretzky are too nice to hate. It’s also not even about your diehard Oilers fan, who realizes they probably didn’t deserve this luck despite their pain.

    But the more vocal Oilers fans wear sweatpants to fine dining establishments, demand a plate of crayons from the waiter, and ask for a placemat to doodle on _and_ some butter, so that they can eat buttery crayons while they draw pictures of an Internet’s favourite team banner.

  9. Aromatic-Air3917

    You guys only like them because you will never have to play them in the playoffs in your lifetime

  10. wayfarout

    They were in every Oilers/VGK post hating on the Oilers during the playoffs. They’re so cool. Maybe my favorite fanbase outside our own.

  11. hey-dorothea1313

    Haha it’s our pleasure. Thanks for winning last night

  12. thedeepfake

    r/nhl had like 8 threads about the PP goal and radio silence once it was tied up. Absolute cesspool.

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