@Ligue nationale de hockey

Est-ce réel?

Est-ce réel?



  1. It’s real but sadly penalties are two minutes so players won’t feel the affects

  2. JonTheWizard

    It’s exclusively for Brad Marchand.

  3. LumbaJ4cked

    How about the guy sitting in the box and opening the door?

  4. I like the image of guards having to physically drag the players into the box while they’re kicking and screaming because they’ve already served several eternities in hell.

  5. missiongoalie35

    If it is, can I put one in my bedroom? Then the Mrs can’t complain anymore.

  6. gs1100e

    I’ve never seen anything realer in my entire life.

  7. profgamehendge

    You got duped by a ClickHole article bruh. Lmfao.

  8. Comrade_Slime

    Yes it’s real. This is for the Sabres when they call a penalty on the goalie for tripping.

  9. GamerGod337

    Ahh sweet, man made horrors beyond ny comprehension

  10. mynamehere999

    So leafs fans are running the box doors at all nhl rinks now?

  11. Wafflelisk

    There has been at least 1 Black Mirror episode on this idea

  12. jiwijoo

    All I can think of is when Loki was falling through portals for 30 mins

  13. CaniacGoji

    They saw that episode of DS9 where O’Brien was forced to live a lifetime prison sentence in an hour and were like ‘hey, let’s do that to our players.’

  14. RecipeNew1835

    Let’s keep Tom Wilson there for 10 minute penalty 

  15. Canadian__Ninja

    Obviously. But for us it’s still 2/4/5/10 minutes so it’s unchanged

  16. bingbong6977

    Breaking: Son Goku has signed a two way contract with the Boston Bruins

  17. XColdLogicX

    We move on step closer to judge Dredd. Throw the offenders into an iso-cube!

  18. Substandard_eng2468

    Man! A 5 min major would be 833 years. We’d loose fighting boys.

  19. BigBuy3674

    Yes.  It’s been in beta for a while,  being used exclusively in elementary schools for kids that can’t afford their lunch. 

  20. Away_Note

    The comments in this thread are gold.


    Goons are gonna train in those and be buffed af after major penalties. BTW, is there a « no kamehameha » rule in the nhl, cause they should start thinking about it.

  22. JadeHellbringer

    A league that can’t even figure out how to get one of its franchises out of a 4500-seat college arena, but they can do something like this?

    Totally real.

  23. It’s absolutely real. I experience the exact same thing when I have a painful shit

  24. x_VanHessian_x

    When you get a coincidental minor and you’re in the box for 9 minutes because there is no stoppage in play after you’ve been in there for 2 minutes.

  25. dirtbird_h

    This is a long time to feel shame before you get free

  26. korkkis

    Imagine how good the players become when they train there! They’ll win the saiyan team in no time.

  27. Judge_Rhinohold

    Why 3 minutes? Why not say 2, 4 or 5 minutes, like actual penalties? I’m guess Clickhole writers know nothing about hockey.

  28. death2sanity

    betrayed and trapped in the hyperbolic penalty box

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