@Devils du New Jersey

Les DEVILS du NJ perdent face aux Flames de Calgary, cela entraînera-t-il des CHANGEMENTS ? Coaching de changement ou discussion commerciale

Les NJ DEVILS perdent contre les Flames de Calgary 5-3 et c’est un match qui met les fans des Devils en colère. Les mêmes vieilles raisons ont tourmenté cette équipe toute la saison, une mauvaise défense, de mauvais gardiens de but et les décisions de l’entraîneur ainsi que les blessures ont nui aux Diables. Avec la nouvelle du retour de Jack Hughes et la façon dont les Devils ont remporté leur dernier match contre l’Avalanche du Colorado, on pourrait supposer que les Devils seraient en lice pour une victoire. Malheureusement, ce n’était pas le cas. Les Flames ont pris une avance de 3-1 et Jacob Markstrom a très bien joué et a réussi à remporter la victoire pour les Flames. Andrei Kuzmenko a marqué un autre but lors de son deuxième match avec sa nouvelle équipe et ce match a été mauvais pour les Diables. Cette perte entraînera-t-elle des CHANGEMENTS ? Dans cette vidéo, je passe en revue le jeu, un changement d’entraîneur pourrait être nécessaire et quelques rumeurs commerciales concernant les Diables. #newjerseydevils #calgaryflames #jackhughes #njdevils #andreikuzmenko Pour les opportunités d’affaires, envoyez-moi un message sur Instagram @ The Hockey Skatedown @TSkatedown Suivez-moi sur Instagram @ thehockeyskatedown Suivez-moi sur Facebook @ hockey skatedown Images utilisées en vidéo avec utilisation équitable. L’utilisation équitable est une doctrine de la loi américaine qui autorise une utilisation limitée de matériel protégé par le droit d’auteur sans avoir à obtenir au préalable l’autorisation du détenteur du droit d’auteur.


  1. most games now are must win. They did a great job against Avs and then this.

    They owned the flames in the first period, kinda got goalied and then a crash.

  2. Not their year. Sell the UFAs off to add to assets for a goalie trade in the off-season. Meier is extremely concerning to me. Guy is a shell of himself after the Trouba hit. He's never been the same since. Totally invisible. Very sad and frustrating to watch. That contract is a albatross.

  3. At this point, I really can't see NJ making the playoffs with this 50/50 win/loss streak that just keeps lingering along. Even if they do get in, it's hard to believe they do more than MAYBE win one round like last year. That being the case, I think the smart thing to do right now is stand fast and see what moves they can make in the offseason. See who they can land via free agency and who they can move on draft day. I don't see anything significant on the horizon for them in terms of trades as everyone seems to be hunting for a goalie and the prices for them are going to be STEEP. Do we really want to see Holtz go for a band-aid goalie who we could lose at the end of the season anyway? As much as people keep saying "just get rid of Vanacek for a better goalie", it's not that easy. Nobody is going to be knocking the doors down to take him off NJ's hands lol. Same with trying to get a top defensive defenseman who the Devils desperately need. I think we're just going to have to ride this out, hope for the best but expect to be watching from the sidelines come playoff time. At that point, expect to see some things happen to shake up and help this team.

  4. Sadly I don’t see any changes coming. It’s not just a points behind issue it’s how many teams they’d need to overtake above you and holding teams around and below you at bay too. If Fitz wouldn’t make a move to help the team with reinforcements when injuries were at their peak I don’t see him doing it now. He sat on his hands too long at this point. I think and hope this season is a big learning experience for Fitz as a first time GM about the need to be both patient and decisive in his role.

  5. Agree completely, I am livid 😮 this as a follow up to the Avs game is unacceptable 😮 they have not won two in a row in eons 😮 Not looking forward to seeing them in Carolina, on a Saturday night 😮

  6. Fitz should have done something already to shake things up. May be too late now, going to need a long winning streak or the season is kaput.

  7. Frankly this whole organization is in disarray. I lost faith in Fitz and Lindy. However I don’t see either getting fired given their recent extension. Devils are in serious trouble and I don’t see any improvements being made in the horizon. But unfortunately at this point I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get a veteran goal tender because it’s clear we need one for years to come and there’s no denying that.

  8. Fitzgerald would make a good illusionist. They are good at tricking people into thinking they do real magic. But I am not a fool like everyone here. Fitzgerald fooled all of you into believing he is a great GM 🤡

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