@Lightning de Tampa Bay

J’ai regardé les échauffements d’avant-match au MSG mercredi soir et j’ai obtenu ceci

J’ai pris l’avion pour New York pour regarder le match contre les Rangers mercredi dernier comme cadeau d’anniversaire de ma petite amie. J’ai apporté un signe à ce sujet, yada yada. MSG ne vous laisse pas vous approcher du verre (parce qu’ils détestent s’amuser), mais un vieil homme m’a donné cette épingle, ainsi qu’à un autre fan, et a dit qu’il nous la donnerait parce que nous n’aurons pas de rondelle. Après cela, l’homme a disparu et je pense avoir rencontré le Père Noël (ou simplement quelqu’un qui travaille pour l’équipe).



  1. AttackOfTheBolts

    That’s cool! Yeah maybe someone on the team, but then why would they give a pin of the old logo? So many question lol
    Either way that’s pretty cool

  2. JustLikeTampa

    Even though they didn’t design it, that logo reminds me of OK Hockey and « the dark times » of the franchise.

    *Excluding the dark times of being owned by the Yakuza, and the dark times of Art Williams.

  3. likeslululemon

    This is cool but I think it’s so lame when certain arenas don’t let you go up to the glass for warmies, whether that be because part of the glass is in club section, or just by pure design.

  4. be3pb3ep

    I was with another person who got a pin, I’m pretty sure the guy was handing out several. The guy giving out the pins was either security, an usher, or working in some other capacity for MSG. He said he had been holding onto the pins for 20 years in his desk drawer. He got them from a promo event at a rangers- lightning game back then and had no use for them, so he thought it best to hand what he had left out to a few lightning fans.

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