@Flames de Calgary

Je commence vraiment à en avoir marre des spéculations osées

Ce message vieillit peut-être terriblement, mais j’en ai fini avec cette chose très émouvante.



  1. Alarmed-dictator

    I can’t imagine the anxiety of players who are constantly in trade rumour talks

  2. eyehatecody

    I’m very much in favour of trading UFAs but if the team is playing well don’t be trading guys with term who seem like they want to be in Calgary. That’s a good way to tank morale.

  3. Duck_Caught_Upstream

    I love the Barnburner guys and agree with them a lot but there constant speculation on Markstrom shows how fucking dumb they can be.

    He doesn’t want to be traded, therefore he won’t be traded. End of debate, full stop. The constant talk is pointless because Markstrom controls everything and doesn’t want to be traded

  4. No_Cycle5101

    Of course you are going to get a great haul for him. But there is a lot to be said about good hockey culture,and mentorship. Taniv hanifin if he doesn’t want to stay and vladar you are still getting a good haul for them. I would think a first for taniv and a medium prospect. A first and a second plus a top prospect for hanifin. And probably a second for vladar

  5. likethemouse

    Pinder is kind of a bone head for writing that on that post…

  6. Rare_Cartographer579

    Wasn’t labarbara a former goalie himself?

  7. Friedge said that if a team wants Marky they have to make a serious offer that the Flames can’t refuse.

    Flames are of the mind to honour his NMC unless he’s agreeable to a move, and they’re displeased about this speculation.

  8. ActionKestrel

    I like Pinder but this is reaching troll status. He has a no move cause ffs.These guys are people with kids and stuff, not trading cards.

  9. Wooden_Proposal_1615

    Pinder was just trollin. He knows it’s cause Vladar is on IR.

  10. Peenspleen

    Fuck I hate pinder so fucking much give me boomer and Rhett but pinder should just fuck right off

  11. Wise_Grade2512

    Pinder should really settle down. Ask him how the rebuilds in Buffalo and Ottawa went

  12. OG-DirtNasty

    If someone offers a haul, now would be the time to pull the trigger. But no reason to trade him unless they make out like absolute bandits

  13. Paulhockey77

    Like I said I don’t think marky moves at the deadline unless an offer absolutely blows conny away. If he does trade him it’s in the off-season

    I fully expect tanev and probably hanifin to be moved

  14. Armchair-Gm-Podcast

    Trade rumors around deadline time are pretty normal lol

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