@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Andrew Raycroft (@AndrewRaycroft) sur X : « Si vous voulez vous prendre une claque, vous feriez mieux de lever la main. L’enfant a appris une leçon »

Andrew Raycroft (@AndrewRaycroft) sur X : « Si vous voulez vous prendre une claque, vous feriez mieux de lever la main. L’enfant a appris une leçon »



  1. kingex11

    I respect the opinions of hockey players on this incident more than the writers and fans who never played.

  2. Clugaman

    Coming from a Bruins tender that hates Leafs fans (for a somewhat valid reason), that’s quite the statement.

    Funny that just about every player that weighs in has said basically the same thing, even Greig’s own teammate.

  3. Cheap_Wash216

    These guys aren’t « kids », they grew up with the game and watching the NHL. He knew there’d be consequences.

    But a cross check to the head is a bit much, Rielly had better options to send a message and keep himself off the DOPS radar.

  4. The_Yeehaw_Cowboy

    I hate that I’m agreeing with Raycroft… I am going home and rethinking my life.

  5. n3rdsm4sh3r

    It’s the losers in r/NHL and r/hockey with their fake pearl clutching.

  6. zainery

    Yup kid wanted to have a laugh. Eat some stick bitch

  7. Icy-Reception-7605

    It was a cross check to the shoulder and it rode up while the kid was turtling. Give them each a game and move on.

  8. So_Long_DentalPlan

    A real life example of this would be walking up to the cops and flipping the bird at them. It’s not illegal, but i would not suggest you try it

  9. Big_Albatross_3050

    ikr, it seems like a lot of players and former players agree to some degree with what Mo did. Even the notoriously anti-leaf sportsnet broadcast said Greig deserved to be hit, not a crosscheck to the face hit, but something that makes him think twice about doing it again.

    Just imagine if this was against Florida, the entire team would jump his ass, do a lot worse, then be celebrated as a team that takes no bs

  10. NefCanuck

    What lesson did he learn exactly?

    That Reilly will go full on “Captain Caveman” if you piss him off enough and you might end up eating a carbon fibre sandwich because you pissed him off?

    The only one learning a message here is going to be Reilly when gets his ass sat out for five games for that boneheaded move 🤷‍♂️

  11. ShinyVuIpix

    Considering how contentious Raycroft’s relationship with Leafs fans is, if he’s saying this, it means something lol.


    Look at that – Raycroft made a save for the Leafs.

  13. AppaJuicee

    Anyone who has any common hockey knowledge knows this kid should of been ready. The high cross check was a big no no, but mo wasn’t wrong going after him.

  14. Doodleschmidt

    We don’t need no Bruin defending us.

  15. PaleAdagio3377

    Really? I didn’t that they he did anything wrong? Was this really a bad look for that kid? I wish he was a little tougher, because I would be sending Morgan Riley through the boards next game.

  16. OneNineSevenNine

    Hard disagree. The league has been an “old boys club” for a long time. This mindset is the same mindset that lead to the whole Kyle Beach situation.

    Hockey can be such a Boomer sport… it’s wild…

  17. TheWilrus

    He’s right, but it doesn’t make either party in the situation right.

    Both were objectively shit things to do.

    It’s all just wrapped up in dumb hockey culture shit so many of us played through and eventually ran us out of the sport. Yes, by hockey player standards I’m soft because I enjoy having a functioning brain.

  18. AustichMavarlander

    Dont worry the nhl DoPS protecying HIM….. fuck this embarassing irrelevant league

  19. Content-Program411

    boomer code snowflake mentality.

    So fucking soft.

    How can he slap!?

  20. Blindemboss

    From a life long Habs fan, I’m 100% behind the Leafs and Morgan Reilly on this one.

  21. leafsfan341629

    Check the NBA. If you’re in a blowout and you go on a breakaway and dunk the ball you better believe the opposing team is going to come at you.

    How is anyone surprised it’s any different in hockey.

  22. Cyrakhis

    Lotta pearl-clutching about this situation.

    This is the -exact- sort of thing you need to send a message about and not take lying down. You think this is bad? Imagine the -howling- there would be if the team took that with no reaction. It’s disrespectful, unsportsmanlike, and a shot at the team’s pride.

    Of COURSE he’s gonna find out after he fucked around like that. Mo did go a little overboard, but y’know what? Fuck it. He’s a leader on the team. Going for a high crosscheck (That caught shoulder first, then rode up.) to send a message against clown behaviour is something I’m okay with. Even if he gets the book thrown at him (cus Parros hates the Leafs, can we hire Colton Orr to beat him up one last time?..).

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