@Ligue nationale de hockey





  1. JGMellorLives

    I hope every team takes EN slappers against the Loafs from here on. Cooler than doing the griddy

  2. SpongyConcrete

    I don’t get how this was disrespectful. It’s really nothing. If it happened against my team, I don’t think i’d react to that. The goal itself would generate disappointment but that’s about it. I don’t get why people try to justify Reilly’s reaction as appropriate retaliation. That was very bad sportsmanship and potentially dangerous on top of that. And I have to add that I absolutely despise the senators.

  3. AlanWhickerNumber3

    Ask them how they feel about the Jose Bautista bat flip 😉

  4. Le_rat_du_gymnase

    It’s disrespectful to slap it in the empty net but it’s ok for the Red wings Wahlman to do a stupid dance (the gritty) and everyone does lose their mind about that?

  5. Spiritual_Holiday511

    Now this, this is brilliant stuff. And I thought I was crazy for saying that if this happened against my team, I really wouldn’t be upset in the slightest.

  6. Traditional_Range_28

    It honestly scares me how dumb some people are. They are defending the Leafs because it’s an unwritten rule to not have any fun apparently when scoring a goal against the Leafs, but it’s okay to cross check someone in the head when they aren’t expecting it.

    Let’s look into the mind of a Leafs fan:
    Fragile ego > long term health and preventing brain damage

  7. Throwawaydontgoaway8

    I hope Walman griddys all over the leafs next time we meet

  8. Roddy_Piper2000

    They are just butt hurt that they will be out in the first round again this year, if they even make the cut.

  9. buktee123

    Really wish this was a Sharks-Islanders game or something so nobody would have cared

  10. RainJetski

    If there was no response the same people would be laughing at the leafs saying they’re so soft and have no respect in the league. Haters Gonna Hate đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™‚ïž

  11. YeWhoBaggethTea

    Solid rule set. Make one for my team. The Blackhawks.. lol we need humor in our lives

  12. Substantial_Rip_9311

    Any other team would have done the same. You don’t take a slap shot at an open net.

  13. commanderr01

    Hahaha I love how no other dirty hit this year got you guys in as much of a fit then this tell me the leafs live rent free in your heads without telling me!!

  14. Cottagewknds

    Lol the leafs hate is beyond normal.

  15. Hungry-Mammoth6036

    It’s one of those unwritten rules . Like celebrations in football or bat flips. ( which I am all about). It’s the leafs job, empty net or not to stop the other team. They get paid to do it. They didn’t stop Grieg. That being said, I have no problem with Rielly squaring up with Grieg. But attacking with your stick like that, I don’t like.

  16. TheHip41

    As a tennis player I wish more people would do huge fist pumps when they shank the ball right off the top of the net and it rolls over for a let ball winner.

  17. Eskotar

    I hope the teams will start going all out on EN’s against the leafs. Dekes on invisible goalie, slappers, backhand roofers, between the legs etc. That would be so funny.

  18. Altruistic-Coyote868

    As a lifelong Leafs fan, I had to mute the Leafs sub today. The amount of salt in there is enough to dehydrate the planet.

  19. vaports

    Chucky is gonna do a Michigan ENG vs the Leafs at this rate

  20. davedog81

    Keefe needs to be suspended too. Time to start sending a message to these old heads. Just like they did to the Saints and their targeting of players.

  21. It’s wonderful how concerned the rest of the league is with the leafs. It is appreciated but sorry the same level of interest won’t be given back “to all 31 teams in the NHL who are not the Toronto Maple Leafs”

  22. Waffer_thin

    Imagine taking the time to make this like it’s some sort of amazing meme? LOL

  23. This is the issue with leaf haters. If they don’t stand up for themselves they’re soft. If they do, they’re soft.

  24. Ragez121

    Oh pleas what a stupid ass post. Buddy slap shot the puck from 3 meters out with less than 10 seconds left, up 2 goals.

    He deserved it and more. Fuck around and find out

  25. 35RoliSmith41

    How do you make the NHL and not realize you’re gonna get cross checked in the face for doing that? 

  26. Several_Cry2501

    Yep. Sometimes « The Code » needs to be written down.

  27. Dry-Interaction3053

    They were both wrong. You don’t show boat when you’re last in the division. You don’t cross check someone in the head for scoring. As a leafs fan I’m glad he got into it, just wish the stick was to the chest, followed by a verbal assault of how shitty he was as a player and the Sens as a team.

  28. RoosterMedical

    Hilarious but the only player on both teams who thought this was a good idea was Greig for a short amount of time.

  29. Leafs fans not understanding there’s a middle ground between doing nothing and cross checking someone in the head is hilarious. Definition of a room temp IQ fanbase

  30. in-dog_we_trust

    I’m old. I’m a Leafs fan all my life. Want to call me names go ahead I don’t give a toss. But remember us old folks remember shit.
    Like when former Habs and Devils player Claude Lemieux would shit the puck into the net at the end of the pregame skate, or grab the goalies water bottle and take a drink, or shoot the puck into the net after the play was whistled dead. I remember people loosing their minds about this shit. If I remember right (and I do) he even got death threats.
    It’s a joke that the fans of the rest of the leagues fans are giving this so much hate.

  31. The Leafs… Living rent free in other teams fans heads.

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