@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les esprits de la LNH viennent d’atteindre un point d’ébullition

#nhl #hockey #vancouvercanucks Tout ce qui s’est passé dans la LNH au cours de la semaine 19. Cette vidéo vous est présentée par Vapor Fresh ! Le spray désodorisant n°1 pour l’équipement de hockey Pour obtenir 10 % de réduction sur votre prochaine bouteille Vapor Fresh, utilisez notre lien ci-dessous ! https://www.vaporfresh.com/hockeypsychology Musique présentée par blaowry Suivez-le sur ⏩ https://www.instagram.com/blaowry/ https://youtube.com/channel/UCeHAyP3nx4LWPArr9Mca0nQ https://www. beatstars.com/blaowry Récapitulatif de la LNH


  1. Yeah Hughes did not hook Walman. He gave him the slightest push from behind. A penalty shot was a terrible call.

  2. It would be nice to at least give credit to the GOAT YouTube channel which you seem to have taken inspiration from

  3. We didn’t hit him with a massive tax hit. He hit himself with it. That’s what you hire professional accountants for.

  4. Honestly, Rielly should probably get battery charges for that. They aren’t in active play and he basically just skated up and tried to injure him. Don’t care if “he knew what would happen” that shit needs to be stopped immediately. You cannot be cross checking someone in the face just because your little feelings got hurt. Right to jail.

  5. Give me a break. Tavares is represented by KPMG, a corporation that specializes in tax evasion. He is getting what he deserves.

  6. I thought hockey players were supposed to be tough. Hitting someone for scoring an empty net goal is a bitch move. If you don't want someone to showboat an empty net how about you dont be down a goal.

  7. That league is a disgrace to sports, I used to love hockey but it has become a shell to its former self. Unsportsmanlike conduct is rampant and should not continue, these players are assaulting other players and the league does nothing. The stick is a weapon period, and if you use it as such you should be charged.

  8. still can't get over the fact an empty net slapper could hurt someone's feelings so badly lmao what a wet wipe

  9. There's no reason for the cross check to the face. A fight, sure. If you dont like someone's actions you drop the gloves and let them know about it. Rushing at them with a cross check to the head? Not acceptable in any circumstance, the only circumstance that warrants any debate on that would have to involve grievous bodily harm of a teammate.

    Dont want someone to hit a slapshot on an empty net? Play better hockey. If you're mad because you're bad, well… stop being bad.

  10. I can't wait to see Hockey Psychology's future video that breaks down how the leafs miss the playoffs and how it all started with the slapshot heard around the world.

  11. There should have been a response but the cross check to the head was over the line. Drop the gloves or face wash is the way to handle that.

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