@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Sujet d’après-match : Coyotes de l’Arizona contre Flyers de Philadelphie – 12 février 2024

2023020821 ARI perd, 3 – 5 .

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  1. CoyotesAreOk

    Am officially on the « it’s joever » train for this season.

  2. DepressedYotesFan

    Yo so could this team do me a favor and fucking win one?

  3. Frnklfrwsr

    Boooooooooo that was not a good time for me

  4. Azfreedom13

    Man this is tough.. thought this team had a chance to be a scrappy wild card team but it just wasn’t meant to be. I have a hard time believing that the arena stuff is not effecting these guys.

  5. troyboy75

    What a shitty awful time to be a Yotes fan.

  6. ThatSpecialAgent

    95.5 to make it in the west. After tonight we need to go 23-10 to hit that. 4-10-2 since the new year. Time to start focusing on improvements for next season.

  7. MiserableAZsportsfan

    This team needs an exorcism.

  8. BigChinoDon

    Looking at the schedule, I’d say the odds are against them winning a game this month. Blackhawks in March.

  9. DemonicBison

    All I care about is arena news anymore like the pain of this season will end one way or another. Just depends how much pain.

  10. MrDent79

    Has anyone considered the the boys are equally as nerve wracked with the arena developments as we are and it could possibly be affecting their morale?
    I’m not here to make excuses for the kids, but I am a fan who’s payed attention all season. The boys played young and sloppy the first half of the season, but they came away with W’s when they could make it work. After the last 2 games they seem to be playing as if they’ve already lost.

    Anyway, just my $.02. I’ll keep cheering for the boys till the last U-haul is loaded up on its way to wherever.

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