@Maple Leafs de Toronto

C’est peut-être le message le plus ironique et le plus inconscient que j’ai jamais vu.

C’est peut-être le message le plus ironique et le plus inconscient que j’ai jamais vu.



  1. 1columbia

    Forever the little brother. Ottawa might not even have a team in like 10 years lmao and Brady Tkachuk still hasn’t played a single playoff game

  2. riko77can

    Should actually be Sens sheets and Mo in the bubble.

  3. leafman4000

    Yep, coming from the fanbase with a pinned post to not go into the leafs sub. Just so unaware

  4. CommanderTouchdown

    28th in the league. Last place in the division. Another lost season.

    But they won their Stanley Cup by winning the season series against a very mediocre Leafs team.

  5. Captain_Lavender6

    My favourite Sens moments are when people have *Leafs suck* signs at games the Leafs aren’t even playing in lol.

  6. T-A-C-K-K

    Its pretty funny how obsessed people are with the leafs, i love the nhl and i have been a leafs fan for years, and even I don’t care as much as some haters x)

  7. Morganvegas

    Here’s the thing they don’t get.

    I’m not even mad about the slapper. In fact I love it.

    I’m mad that they think Mo Rielly isn’t justified in jumping him. Regardless of the crosscheck.

  8. I was on vacation last week and I missed what happened. Honestly really happy to see Ottawa fans are enjoying their annual week of relevance.

  9. Sarge1387

    Anyone else hear that whining coming from the basement…again?

  10. DooOboes

    Man, this is the hardest Sens fans have celebrated since Chris Neil’s number was retired…

  11. kongartist

    How many more weeks are these posts gonna keep going? And I mean across many hockry subreddits

  12. TheWilrus

    Just like their captain, the lesser sibling.

    I honestly couldn’t care about the slapshot. I’m more upset at the Leafs for again playing down to a bottom feeder who was geared up for their biggest game remaining this season.

  13. punkdrummer22

    Not in your head. In your Arena cause they have no fans

  14. last_drop_of_piss

    I hear both Sens fans are very upset

  15. elcabeza79

    I’m here to talk about the dad’s v-neck with the hoodie pouch.

  16. Imagine, they’re the Brady Tkachuk, or Brent Gretzky of Ontario hockey teams.

  17. AustichMavarlander

    U guys know ppl love to hate leafs more than love their own team. Now imagine you cheered for fuckin Ottawa…… ypure irrelevant, not competitive, markets been lied to at lrast last 2 seasons. Theyre a joke noone takes seriously…. and then youre gifted a story that isnt your coaches molesting someone, a player betting on hockey and w.e. that shithole market dealt with.. i almost dont blame em

  18. MaximumTemperature25

    It’s weird, I don’t think many leafs fans are saying Rielly was clean and doesn’t deserve a suspension… we’re just happy to see a core player taking exception to other teams’ BS.


    And it’s pretty ridiculous to see how seriously this is being taken when the reverse would be a fine at most.

  19. Takhar7

    The 28th placed team in the league, that hasn’t tasted the playoffs in nearly a decade, has made an entire fanbase dance on strings for 48 hours.

    It’s been so embarrassing to watch as a Leafs fan, honestly.

  20. Brilliant_Fail8095

    I wonder if this is the first time anyone took notice to Ottawa

  21. Electronic_Map_1451

    I was at the game. No buzz on the way out cause everyone wanted the Leafs to win.

  22. Acrobatic_Law5598

    I find it funny that sens fans are praising a guy that just disrespected the integrity of the game. Shows how much they like the sport.

  23. Slurrpy01

    I didn’t even know Ottawa had a hockey team

  24. Canadop

    I like to play a game sometimes and go to their subreddit and see how many posts about the Leafs are in their top 10 or so posts. Almost always at least one and most of the time more than one. It could be the middle of the July and there’s going to be one.

    If the Leafs lose it basically becomes r/Leafs2 and gives me a chuckle. If the Sens lose on a Thursday night there will be ZERO mention of it here if the Leafs lose to like Minnesota on a Tuesday it’s a Cup parade over there. It’s crazy. They HATE the Leafs. It’s almost concerning reading some of the posts and comments.

  25. todayinmyeyes

    yo im seeing too many posts from other teams’ fans being like « the rest of league lives rent free in the leafs’ heads » when they’ve now spent almost 48 hours making memes, posts, and think pieces about us 🤒

  26. VeryAttractive

    Imagine being a Sens fan in 2024 and trying to take a shot at the Leafs. There are very few franchises more embarassing than the Leafs, yet Ottawa blows us out of the water.

    Honestly, this is simply fucking adorable. Like a tiny puppy barking at full-grown dog. I wanna pinch their cheeks.

  27. MissHunbun

    It’s so embarrassing for them that they’re so obsessed with the leafs. The rage-boner they’ve got over this is hilarious. Rent-free living.

  28. justcallmestepdaddy

    Sens fans: “I’m not thinking about you”.

    Leafs fans: “okay lil bro”.

  29. Bennely

    The Senators. Talk about a codependent franchise my god.

  30. twizzyflyguy

    Ottawa fans are such nerds lol 😂

  31. NikoPopp

    Ottawa Senators dive so much they’re at the bottom of the league

  32. Death_Balloons

    Why would Tavares be dreaming about something that hasn’t even happened yet?

  33. Mirkrid

    Personally I’m shocked Rielly’s reaction got more than a couple posts on any other hockey subreddits. It doesn’t matter that Mo did it, I pretty adamantly believe that if any player on any other team did it it would have blown over by the next day. The only reason anyone’s still talking about it is because it paints the Leafs in a bad light

    Rielly got instant vengeance (albeit in an ill advised way) for the slapper, I didn’t care about it at all 5 minutes after the game ended but it’s funny people think it’s keeping leafs fans up at night or whatever. Meanwhile the hockey sub has yet another top voted thread with over 1,000 comments going today because everyone wants to j/o about how goonish a leaf is

  34. matthewsisaleaf50

    All the hockey subs have been full of posts about this slap shot, but then they complain about Leafs coverage and posts.

  35. Barthonso

    6 of the top 10 posts on r/NHL right now are about this and shitting on the Leafs/ their fans. Finally enough for me to remove it from my feed. I feel like you could argue both sides till you’re blue in the face, but the fucking hard on that sub has for hating the Leafs is absurd. Like the whole place must have simultaneously jizzed in their pants when it happened.

  36. Fickle_Phase_73

    Leave them be, most of them live in that shit hole Ottawa and cry when they hear a car horn honk.

  37. WampaStompa64

    Naw- my entire Leaf fan social circle has admitted that while Reilly threw a dirty hit it’s nice to see some grit from this lineup for once. The slapper into an empty net was a dumb hot dog move and most of us tolerate a suspension as a trade off for finally seeing a player get angry.

    We are too used to other Canadian markets comparing our roster/contracts to theirs non stop while I’ve hardly ever heard Toronto fans do the same. Example the whole Laine vs Matthews debate was one sided from Winnipeg, we tend to worry about our own team.

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